Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 4.06 - Sat Feb 04 2023
* HAFAS->station: rename "uic" to "eva"; add "names" and "evas" keys
* Rename Journey->uic to Journey->eva
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 4.05 - Fri Feb 03 2023
* StopFinder: add new_p constructor for async requests via promises
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 4.04 - Mon Jan 30 2023
* Journey->is_cancelled: correctly report cancellations in station board
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 4.03 - Sat Jan 28 2023
* HAFAS: Add "station" accessor
* Journey: Add "station", "station_uic" and "line_no" accessors
* Journey->line now returns journey type as well as line number
* Journey->line_no provides the old Journey->line behaviour
* Journey: Add "route_interesting" accessor
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 4.02 - Sun Nov 06 2022
* HAFAS->new: Add "results" and "lookahead" options
* Build.PL: Specify File::Slurp test dependency
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 4.01 - Sat Oct 29 2022
* Journey: Add "class" accessor
* Message: Correctly document "short" and "text" accessors
("header" and "lead" were not supported), add "is_him" accessor
* Specify List::MoreUtils and List::Util dependencies for bin/hafas-m
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 4.00 - Fri Oct 28 2022
* Use mgate.exe HAFAS interface instead of stboard.exe/bhftafel.exe.
This introduces several breaking changes in hafas-m,
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS, and Travel::StatuS::DE::HAFAS::Result.
* hafas-m: Options -l/--lang, -L/--ignore-late, and -u/--url are no longer
* hafas-m now supports journey details by specifying a journey ID instead
of a station name.
* Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new: "date" and "time" keys are no longer
supported. Use "datetime" instead.
* Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new: "lang" key is no longer supported.
* Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new: "url" key is no longer supported.
* Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new: "mode" key is no longer supported. Set
"arrivals" to a true value to request arrivals instead of departures.
* Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new: add optional "cache" key and support for
"journey" requests with optional "with_polyline" key.
* Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS: add new_p constructor for async requests via
* Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS: Add "result" and "messages" accessors.
* Rename Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Result to ...::Journey. The accessors
"sched_date", "date", "info", "countdown", "countdown_sec",
"raw_e_delay", "raw_delay", "sched_time", "time", "train", "train_no"
and "line_no" are no longer supported. Introduces several new ones
* The module no longer depends on XML::LibXML
* New dependency: Digest::MD5
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 3.01 - Sat Jun 06 2020
* Fix support for ÖBB and other backends which recently switched from
two- to four-digit years
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 3.00 - Sat May 09 2020
* Result: The date, datetime, and time accessors now report realtime
data if available
* Result: Add sched_date, sched_datetime, and sched_time accessors for
schedule data
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 2.05 - Sun May 03 2020
* Document LWP::Protocol::https dependency
* Remove BVG (Berliner Verkehrsgesellschaft) and SBB
(Schweizerische Bundesbahnen) services
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 2.04 - Sun Dec 30 2018
* Handle invalid XML when using the VBB backend
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 2.03 - Sat Dec 16 2017
* Update DB backend API URL
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 2.02 - Sun Jan 08 2017
* New dependencies: DateTime and DateTime::Format::Strptime
* Result: New accessors ->datetime, ->countdown and ->countdown_sec
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 2.01 - Sat Oct 10 2015
* Result: Fix ->type accessor (was not working for all backends)
* Result: Add ->train_no / ->line_no accessor
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 2.00 - Fri Sep 25 2015
* This release is NOT backwards compatible with 1.xx versions
* It now uses the HAFAS API instead of parsing and also
supports various other HAFAS installations
* New module dependencies: JSON, List::MoreUtils
* Renamed db-ris to hafas-m
* New modules: Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS and
* Renamed Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn::Result to
* db-ris/hafas-m: The options -f /--full-route and -v/--via are no longer
* db-ris/hafas-m: New options -s / --service, -u / --url and --list
* Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn/HAFAS->new: The mot parameter is no
longer supported. Use the new excluded_mots and exclusive_mots parameters
* Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn/HAFAS->new: Add service and url
* Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn/HAFAS: Add errcode, similar_stops
and get_active_service accessors
* Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn/HAFAS: Add static methods get_services
and get_service
* Result: Remove route, route_raw, route_info, route_interesting and
route_timetable accessors
* Result: Add is_changed_platform and messages accessors
* Result->info is now undef instead of an empty string when no information
is available
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 1.05 - Thu May 14 2015
* Result->route_interesting: Also consider airports
* Result: Add route_info accessor
* Result: Add is_cancelled accessor
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 1.04 - Sun May 03 2015
* Result: Add type accessor
* DeutscheBahn->new: Add lwp_options parameter to pass options to
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 1.03 - Tue Oct 21 2014
* Add primitive JSON serializer to Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn::Result
* Fix $result->delay (was broken by changes in the RIS output format)
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 1.02 - Tue Sep 17 2013
* Respect proxy environment variables
* Add -a / --arrivals option to show arrivals instead of departures
* Disable smartmatch warnings on perl >= 5.018
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 1.01 - Sat Dec 03 2011
* Detect ambiguous input errors (available via errstr)
* Add language switch for additional information (german/english)
* Result: Add line (== train) and date accessors
* Add -l / --lang option
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 1.00 - Sun Sep 04 2011
* Add --full-route option
* Fix bug when receiving no platform numbers from the DB RIS
* Add route_timetable accessor containing station names and
their corresponding arrival times
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 0.05 - Tue Aug 09 2011
* Fix ->results returning duplicate connections when accessed more than
one time
* new: Only die when encountering wrong options, set ->errstr otherwise
* Adds new ->errstr accessor to check for request errors
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 0.04 - Wed Jul 13 2011
* The info accessor now strips the mostly useless "k.A." / "pünktlich"
(train on time) text parts
* Add (slightly experimental) route_interesting accessor
* Add delay accessor
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 0.03 - Wed Jul 13 2011
* Clarify derl dependency (we actually need >= 5.10.1)
* Strip leading / trailing whitespace in result fields
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 0.02 - Wed Jul 06 2011
* Only display info when a train is late, not when on time / unknown
* Add --ignore-late option
* Add route_raw accessor
* Proper HTTP request error handling
* Strip leading whitespace from ::Result info
* Do not include canceled stops in the route
Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn 0.01 - Mon Jun 27 2011
* Initial release
* Crawls almost all data available in the web interface