0.011 2023-09-24

    * ensure garbage in, garbage out mode (Debian #1052168)
    * improve statement cleanup

0.010 2023-06-15

    * reduce verbosity of invalid year range warning
0.009 2023-05-25

    * fix compat wih with < 5.028

0.008 2023-05-24

    * clean copyright: also cleanup (C)
    * handle copyright specified with full date
    * add missing use Time::localtime

0.007 2022-12-30

    * Fix test failure on perl 5.20

0.006 2022-12-29

    * Copyright: add contains method

0.005 2022-11-11

    * Copyright: handle statements that contain only year information
    * Copyright::Statement:
      * add add_years method
      * merge method now returns $self
      * handle statements that contain only year information

0.004 2022-08-11

    * dist.ini: removed unused plugin

0.003 2022-07-25

    * add missing MouseX::NativeTraits dependency

0.002 2022-07-23

    * all tests: require module before testing synopsis (HEAD -> main)
    * Copyright: quote subtype

0.001 2022-07-22

* Initial release