Revision history for Lingua-EN-Inflexion

0.000001  Wed May 14 16:41:49 2014
       Initial release.

0.000002  Tue Jul 22 19:32:11 2014
          No changes logged

0.000003  Tue May  5 16:11:33 2015

    * Patched POD nits

0.000004  Fri May  8 07:03:02 2015

    * Silenced backwards incompatible experimental warnings about
      smartmatching under Perl 5.18 and later
      (Thanks Alexandr and Karen)

0.000005  Sat May 21 08:14:35 2016

    * Fixed "horses" --> "horse", etc.

    * Fixed pod nit ("one-to-to")

    * Fixed inflect() behaviour when not count set
      (now consistently defaults to singular as intended)

    * Fixed internal error in (thanks Michael!)

0.000006  Tue Aug 30 17:50:43 2016

    * Fixed minor documentation bugs

0.000007  Sun Dec 18 08:36:03 2016

    * Completed name change of module
      (thanks, Smylers and NeilB!)

0.001000  Sat May 27 22:22:54 2017

    [All of the following are due to Lady Aleena (to whom, my sincere thanks)]
    * Added noun(...)->cardinal to convert numbers to words and vice-versa
    * Added noun(...)->ordinal to convert ordinals to words and vice-versa
    * Added 'w'   option to <#...> to inflect numbers as words
    * Added 'w99' option to <#...> to inflect numbers as words (above threshold)
    * Added 'o'   option to <#...> to inflect numbers as ordinals
    * Various documentation improvements
    * Added a documentation section describing equivalences with Lingua::EN::Inflect

0.001001  Sun May 28 13:04:53 2017

    * Added dependencies on Lingua::EN::Nums2Words and Lingua::EN::Words2Nums
      (thanks Slaven!)

0.001002  Wed Aug 16 21:11:08 2017

    * Fixed three egregious documentation errors
      for cardinal(), ordinal(), and the #w flag
      (Thanks, Mary!)

0.001005  Sun Oct  8 09:29:22 2017

    * Fixed 'expenses' -> 'expense', etc.
      (Thanks, Dorian)

0.001006  Sun Oct  8 17:38:17 2017

    * Fixed t/wordlist.t by removing 'no_plan'

0.001007  Sun May  6 06:09:51 2018

    * Extended verb->as_regex() to match preterite and both participles
      (Thanks, David)

    * Added $person parameter to singular() and plural() methods
      (Thanks, David)

    * Made singular() and plural() methods called with no argument act
      as expected wrt terms that are inflected for person. Specifically,
      these methods now do not change the form of a singular inflection.
      For example: verb('am')->singular used to return 'is', but now
      returns 'am'.

    * Improved robustness of "<preposition> <pronoun>" inflexions

0.001008  Tue Mar 12 12:17:47 2019

    * Fixed inflexion of 'backcast' and other '*cast' variants.
      (Thanks, Jeff!)

0.002000  Sun Jul 26 22:06:39 2020

    * Added (non-)inflexions for 'who', 'whom', 'whose', 'what', etc.

    * Doc tweaks

    * Added inflexion of reflexive pronouns

    * Documented OED-consistent handling of 'themself'

    * Repositioned errant level-3 heading
      (Thank-you, Lady Aleena!)

0.002001  Thu Nov 11 22:38:21 2021

    * Corrected wishful thinking: invalid Rakudoc V<> code in Perldoc
      plus an extraneous ')' in the documentation.
      (Thank-you, Lady Aleena. Thank-you, Karen.)

0.002002  Sat Nov 13 10:55:27 2021

    * Fixed handling of singular and plural possessives
      (Thanks Dave!)

0.002003  Sun Nov 14 02:21:29 2021

    * Squashed a doc nit.
      (Thanks, Ron!)

    * Fixed recognition of shouty plurals: "DOGS", "CATS", etc.
      (Thanks, Dave!)

0.002004  Mon Nov 15 04:44:12 2021

    * Fixed behaviour of "stave" --> "staves" --> "stave" in classical mode.
      It's a modern word too, so it should round-trip without being modernized to "staff"
      (Thanks, Dave!)

0.002005  Tue Nov 16 00:52:44 2021

    * Allowed more natural handling of uppercased and lowercased nouns and verbs
      that inflect to distinct plural forms when titlecased (such as
      "atlas"/"Atlas", "jerry"/"Jerry", etc.)
      (Thanks, Dave!)

    * Also fixed uppercase and lowercase handling of words whose fundamental
      forms are always titlecased, but which inflect irregularly in the plural
      (such as "Alfurese" and "Spaetlese")
      (Thanks again, Dave!)

0.002006  Wed Nov 17 06:12:11 2021

    * Improved title-casing of multi-word terms.
      (Thanks, Dave).

    * Added special case for "judas", and allowed prefixes on "gas" and "glottis"
      (e.g. "biogas", "avgas"; "epiglottis", "periglottis")
      (Thanks, Dave)

    * Fixed classical plural processing.
      (Thanks, Dave!)

0.002007  Tue Nov 30 06:00:01 2021

    * Numerous small fixes to verbs.lei file
      (Thanks, Dave!)

    * Fixed inflexion of "X general" <--> "X generals" for all military ranks
      allowing "Y general" <--> "Ys general" for all other uses
      (Thanks, Dave!)

    * Fixed several edge cases in recursive noun patterns
      (Thanks, Dave!)

    * Laid groundwork (mostly testing) for further significant improvements
      in version 0.003