Revision history for Lingua-EN-Inflexion
0.000001 Wed May 14 16:41:49 2014
Initial release.
0.000002 Tue Jul 22 19:32:11 2014
No changes logged
0.000003 Tue May 5 16:11:33 2015
* Patched POD nits
0.000004 Fri May 8 07:03:02 2015
* Silenced backwards incompatible experimental warnings about
smartmatching under Perl 5.18 and later
(Thanks Alexandr and Karen)
0.000005 Sat May 21 08:14:35 2016
* Fixed "horses" --> "horse", etc.
* Fixed pod nit ("one-to-to")
* Fixed inflect() behaviour when not count set
(now consistently defaults to singular as intended)
* Fixed internal error in (thanks Michael!)
0.000006 Tue Aug 30 17:50:43 2016
* Fixed minor documentation bugs
0.000007 Sun Dec 18 08:36:03 2016
* Completed name change of module
(thanks, Smylers and NeilB!)
0.001000 Sat May 27 22:22:54 2017
[All of the following are due to Lady Aleena (to whom, my sincere thanks)]
* Added noun(...)->cardinal to convert numbers to words and vice-versa
* Added noun(...)->ordinal to convert ordinals to words and vice-versa
* Added 'w' option to <#...> to inflect numbers as words
* Added 'w99' option to <#...> to inflect numbers as words (above threshold)
* Added 'o' option to <#...> to inflect numbers as ordinals
* Various documentation improvements
* Added a documentation section describing equivalences with Lingua::EN::Inflect
0.001001 Sun May 28 13:04:53 2017
* Added dependencies on Lingua::EN::Nums2Words and Lingua::EN::Words2Nums
(thanks Slaven!)
0.001002 Wed Aug 16 21:11:08 2017
* Fixed three egregious documentation errors
for cardinal(), ordinal(), and the #w flag
(Thanks, Mary!)
0.001005 Sun Oct 8 09:29:22 2017
* Fixed 'expenses' -> 'expense', etc.
(Thanks, Dorian)
0.001006 Sun Oct 8 17:38:17 2017
* Fixed t/wordlist.t by removing 'no_plan'
0.001007 Sun May 6 06:09:51 2018
* Extended verb->as_regex() to match preterite and both participles
(Thanks, David)
* Added $person parameter to singular() and plural() methods
(Thanks, David)
* Made singular() and plural() methods called with no argument act
as expected wrt terms that are inflected for person. Specifically,
these methods now do not change the form of a singular inflection.
For example: verb('am')->singular used to return 'is', but now
returns 'am'.
* Improved robustness of "<preposition> <pronoun>" inflexions
0.001008 Tue Mar 12 12:17:47 2019
* Fixed inflexion of 'backcast' and other '*cast' variants.
(Thanks, Jeff!)
0.002000 Sun Jul 26 22:06:39 2020
* Added (non-)inflexions for 'who', 'whom', 'whose', 'what', etc.
* Doc tweaks
* Added inflexion of reflexive pronouns
* Documented OED-consistent handling of 'themself'
* Repositioned errant level-3 heading
(Thank-you, Lady Aleena!)