Revision History for ANN
0.008 2011-06-13 06:52:38 UTC
Add support for an Inline::C version of AI::ANN::Neuron::Execute.
This is the default.
Fix a few extra errors because of uninitialized values being sent to
the C code. If you're using the inline::c stuff, be careful that
you don't skip any necessary inputs.
0.007 2011-06-12 04:44:46 UTC
Add backprop, not tested.
Evolver now allows you to pass a coderef for mutation_amount. It
will be evaluated with no arguments. If you pass a number instead,
it will be coerced into a uniform random value up to +/- your value.
Change a few things from hashrefs to arrayrefs internally. Fully
back-compatibile, but I hope this will speed up a few things.
Fix dependencies.
0.006 2011-06-01 16:08:04 UTC
Remove dependency on perl 5.14, because apparently no one has that
installed yet. Get with the times, people! (Debian is still on 5.10)
Add mutate_gaussian to the methods available in the evolver, and
allow the population of the eta_ values in AI::ANN.
Add a sternly worded comment to the evolver warning against the use
of crossover.
0.005 2011-05-31 20:18:02 UTC
Convert to use Moose. I'm told that this is better. There are a few
neat things (not having to write accessors, and apparently
inheritance just works, I'll find out about that soon enough...)
but overall I really don't see the point. Default values, type
constraints, I had all that anyway. Meh.
Add some words about what the point of this module is.
0.004 2011-05-31 02:35:26 UTC
Minor calling changes that I need to commit so I can test them with
another module.
0.003 2011-05-31 01:09:32 UTC
Minor. Correct the perl version requirement.
0.002 2011-05-31 01:04:53 UTC
Make many obvious (to a computer, I hope) references to the fact
that this requires perl 5.14, to prevent the bloody annoying
CPAN Testers emails. Note that I chose to do this rather than
make the module compatible with earlier versions.
Add two parameters for min and max neuron output values, default to
0 and 1. Conveniently, forget to actually implement that.
Less conveniently, remember to implement the above.
While implementing the above, also implement an activation function
in the form of a coderef passed to the AI::ANN constructor.
Add the Evolver module, and tests for it. Ensure that the AI::ANN
objects that Evolver returns have the same parameters as did the
Chase down a few bugs caused by a combination of evil references
and me changing the structure of my objects halfway through coding.
Yell at myself a little bit for taunting the ghost of the (not yet
dead) Larry Wall, by claiming that I was 'halfway through coding'.
0.001 2011-05-27 03:04:06 UTC
Initial release. ANN and ANN::Neuron working, basic test suite and