1.3002 2022-08-09
- Minor documentation patch
2021-02-12 1.3001 Can read fixtures from a file;
Data structures in output now dumped using
Data::Dumper::Concise (cosmetic change only)
2019-03-19 1.3000 'output' can be a ref to a code-ref, so output
from mocked methods can be dynamic or raise
2017-08-24 1.2001 Add the set_name method
2017-06-28 1.2000 Let people add fixtures to an existing
C::M::G::IT object, with convenient shorthands;
Add note to doco about namespace::autoclean
2013-01-14 1.11 Add Class::Mock::Method::InterfaceTester
2013-01-09 1.1 Add method mocking
2012-11-23 1.0002 Use Capture::Tiny in tests to fix I/O-ish test
failures on some legacy platforms/perls
2012-11-15 1.0001 Remember to declare pre-requisites
2012-11-09 1.0 Initial release