0.005     2019-05-22 10:28:11 EDT
  - Require a newer version of Alien::Build::MM for a clean_install bugfix.
  - Reminder: You may need to reinstall XS modules build against Alien::cmark if you had version 0.002 or older installed previously.

0.004     2019-05-20 16:16:20 EDT
  - Use clean_install for Alien::Build::MM to clean up any dynamic libraries lingering from previous versions.
    You may need to reinstall XS modules build against Alien::cmark if you had version 0.002 or older installed previously.

0.003     2019-04-12 18:32:31 EDT
  - Isolate dynamic libraries in a share install so XS code is built statically

0.002     2019-04-11 17:51:08 EDT
  - Trim unnecessary dynamic requirements for share install

0.001     2019-04-01 13:32:26 EDT
  - First release