
Release 0.22 - 15th October 2011
 - file no longer missing when using Makefile.PL

Release 0.21 - 15th October 2011
 - Fix for tests for working paths containing spaces 
 - Added explicit license file .  License was listed in makefile but
   some tools like it spelled out in a text file.

Release 0.20 - 15th October 2011
 - Fairly substantial change to the Clover stats for 'conditionals' /
   'coveredconditionals'.  Previous to this version, it was only the
   Devel::Cover 'branch' metric.  Now it is the summation of the
   'branch' and 'condition' criterion.
 - Bug fixed where Class/FileFragment objects were not being created
   with a builder.
 - Lots more unit tests

Release 0.11 - 14th October 2011
 - prevent tests from being indexed on CPAN
 - support older template toolkit versions w/o 'xml' filter
 - Test::MockTime is now only recommended
 - die if test system() calls fail
 - more specific testing of keys in the summarize() methods

Release 0.10 - 13th October 2011

 - Backend refactor to promote testability

   A lot of these changes were made to help map the Perl package model
   into the Java package model.

   In Perl, a "package" is named, for example, Devel::Cover.  In Java,
   the package would be "Devel" and the class would be "Cover".  Many
   tools and file formats based on Java tech presume this sort of
   hierarchy.  Thus, the backend was rewritten to take this into account
   for the Clover xml file format.

   The backend also allows metric summaries to be calculated from the
   Devel::Cover database on particular ranges in a source file rather
   than presuming they should be calculated on the entire file all at

 - Also, noted that the extended format of the file with per-line
   annotations is really no use to implement.  After digging into
   the source code of the Clover ant stuff for the Jenkins plugin,
   it only parses the metric summaries.

Release 0.09 - 11th October 2011
 - refactor template variable creation to help make testing easier
 - fixed a bug with methods_covered being set improperly to methods

Release 0.08 - 11th October 2011
 - first stable release