Revision history for Pod-Advent

0.04    2007-12-19
        * fix to t/sample.t to completely strip the
          'Generated By' lines before conmparison.
          Otherwise any system not using the same
          versions of Pod::Simple or Perl::Tidy
          will fail the test.

0.03    2007-12-19
        * Bugfix -- $parser->output_fh() can be undef ..
          have to default $fh to STDOUT in that case.
        * Added t/sample.t -- it processes ex/sample.pod.txt
          and compares results to ex/sample.html -- coverage
          is very good from it; quality needs to be expaned in
          future and additional test files, however.
        * sync'd up ex/sample.html, and added additional examples
        * removed obsolete Y<> and =head1 NAME/AUTHOR support
        * Added full POD example in SYNOPSIS

0.02    2007-12-18
        * Changed M<> href back to ?module instead of ?query
        * Added 'Generated by' string to HTML output
        * Renamed br() to nl() for clarity
        * Output is now written to $parser->output_fh instead of STDOUT
          This allows calling code (such as tests!) to use Pod::Simple's
          output_fh() and output_string() methods.
        * Added style.css to MANIFEST
        * Renamed ex/sample.pod to ex/sample.pod.txt
        * Added pod to bin/pod2advent
        * Added ex/ to MANIFEST
        * Added t/general.t to MANIFEST as start of test suite.
        * Pod/ POD additions

0.01    2007-12-17
        * Initial release.