Revision history for SQL-Abstract-Limit
** indicates API changes
0.12 19th December 2005, 23:20
- removed hidden dependency on Class::DBI ?the test suite.
0.11 11th October 2005, 12:40
- re-arranged order of tests in _find_syntax() to avoid the eval
where possible - if the calling app has overridden die(), the
eval may give spurious results - reported by
(rt bug #15000)
0.101 9th September 2005
- changed call to _table to match API modified in SQL::Abstract 1.20
- ** requires SQL::Abstract 1.20 or greater
0.1 18th August 2005
- fixed bug in where() - if an order clasue, but no limit clause, was specified,
then the order clause was dropped - reported by Dan Sully
- added 04.args.t to MANIFEST
0.033 15th March 2005
- fixed bug where the order-by argument was ignored if no
limit arguments (rows, offset) were supplied
(reported by Emmanuel Engelhart)
0.032 15th Jan 2005
- ** made the WHERE clause required
- stopped checking that the WHERE clause is a hashref -
SQL::Abstract accepts arrayrefs too
0.031 15th Jan 2005
- added Makefile.PL to the MANIFEST
0.03 15th Jan 2005
- removed underscore - this thing seems to work
- fixed bug in _FetchFirst that was duplicating 'ORDER BY'
(reported by Emanuele Zeppieri)
- added a Makefile.PL option to Build.PL
0.02_2 15th Nov 2004
- really put the underscore in the version
0.02_1 15th Nov 2004
- added DB2 support
- fixed bug in Build.PL
- added developer release flag (the underscore) to version string
0.01 4th Nov 2004
- initial release