Revision history for Perl extension Catalyst::Model::LDAP.

0.09  Wed Feb  1 18:51:02 EST 2006
        - Documentation cleanup

0.08  Wed Dec 28 02:59:35 EST 2005
        - Require Catalyst 5.5 (for Catalyst::Model)
        - Remove Catalyst::Model::LDAP::Cached; caching should be done
          at the application level
        - Make API for searching more flexible
        - Support other Net::LDAP methods via AUTOLOAD
          (idea stolen from Catalyst::Model::NetBlogger)

0.07  Sun Oct 30 20:19:12 EST 2005
        - Update documentation with examples
        - Use Carp::croak instead of die on connection errors

0.06  Wed Oct 26 00:57:46 EDT 2005
        - Refactor Catalyst::Model::LDAP
        - Call config explicitly in constructor
        - Move caching code to Catalyst::Model::LDAP::Cached

0.05  Fri Oct  7 23:51:50 EDT 2005
        - Remove accidental inheritance from Net::LDAP

0.04  Tue Sep 13 17:13:00 EDT 2005
        - Don't die on LDAP search errors
        - Provide access to LDAP code value and error message

0.03  Mon Sep 12 13:26:35 EDT 2005
        - Fix LDAP binds with password
          (patch from Jason Jenkins)
        - Allow LDAP binds with e.g. SASL authentiction

0.02  Tue Sep  6 18:06:43 EDT 2005
        - Add (optional) caching of LDAP search results
          (requested by Christopher Heschong)

0.01  Tue Aug  9 17:53:00 EDT 2005
        - Initial revision