Revision history for Version-Next

1.000     2016-02-25 14:37:13-05:00 America/New_York


    - Due to changes in the interpretation of dotted-decimal version
      numbers with alpha elements in 0.9913 and later, the
      notion of the 'next' dotted-decimal alpha is ill-defined.
      Version::Next no longer supports dotted-decimals with alpha elements
      and will throw an exception if one is passed to next_version.

0.004     2014-03-07 06:24:03-05:00 America/New_York


    - Now requires inputs to pass version::is_lax(), but does some
      sanitization of excessivly lax inputs

0.003     2014-03-06 10:11:34-05:00 America/New_York


    - Clarified SYNOPSIS to show explicit import (Grzegorz Rożniecki)


    - Updated dist.ini and meta files

0.002     2010-10-01 13:46:06 EST5EDT

    - Don't specify minimum Carp version (fails on 5.6.x)

0.001     2010-03-18 22:57:48 EST5EDT

    - first draft