word2vec CHANGES

  version 0.03
     - - Similarity() - Removed "Finished File" log statement and added parsing error log statements.

     - - Similarity() - Added log statement and check to see if vector data file was read successfully.

     - - Added missing GetFileHandle() function. ???
     - - ReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile - Bug Fix: convert all word vector to lower case. Fixes issue with CUI vectors that start w/ capital letters.

     - - Changed script to set ignore compiler errors by default.
                             - Similarity() - Added print log statements.
     - - CLSimilarityAvg() - Removed ".sim" from result file name when using directory option.
                    - CLSimilarityComp() - Removed ".sim" from result file name when using directory option.
                    - CLSimilaritySum() - Removed ".sim" from result file name when using directory option.

     - - WSD() - Bug Fix: Using "--wsd -dir wsd_path -vectors vector_binary_path" option resulted in double parsing file.

     - - Similarity() - Updated to note user of directory parsing option.
                             - Updated POD documentation with the above change.
     - word2vec-interface.pod - Updated with the above changes.

     - - XTWSaveCompoundWordListToFile() - Added function... Don't know how I missed that one.
     - - RemoveSpecialCharactersFromString() - Bug Fix: Method didn't remove '|' character from string.
                   - ReadTextFromFile() - Bug Fix: Updated to include space " " after chomping line and adding to string.
                   - ReadCompoundWordDataFromFile() - Freed words array after use.
     - 1xmltow2v.t - Updated line 41 to support latest change listed above.

     - - WSDParseList() - Added error log when specified stop list not found.
     - Updated Makefile.PL script

     - - Bug Fix: Changed all "exit" statements to "return" statements. In the event that user has more than one command-line command.
                             - WSD() - Updated to auto-detect if entered text if a file or directory and handle accordingly.
                                     - Added checks in the event user specifies options but does not include the option parameter.
     - - WSDParseList() - Added checks in the event stoplist is not defined.
                                     - Added warning print statement in the event stop list is not defined and debug logging is disabled.
                                     - More print statements of the same variety as above.

     - interface.pod - Updated POD documentation with the latest changes.
                     - Typo fix.
     - - Updated to POD documentation with the latest changes.
                    - Typo fix.
     - util.pod - Updated to include all functions.
     - - Updated to include POD documentation.
     - word2vec.pod - Typo "Word2vec::Xmltow2v" -> "Word2vec::Word2vec"
     - - Typo "Word2vec::Xmltow2v" -> "Word2vec::Word2vec"

     - - ComputeCosineSimilarity() - Updated to check and see if vector data is present in memory before proceeding.
                   - ComputeAvgOfWordsCosineSimilarity() - Updated to check and see if vector data is present in memory before proceeding.
                   - ComputeMultiWordCosineSimilarity() - Updated to check and see if vector data is present in memory before proceeding.
                   - CosSimWithUserInput() - Updated to check and see if vector data is present in memory before proceeding.
                   - MultiWordCosSimWithUserInput() - Updated to check and see if vector data is present in memory before proceeding.
                   - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Updated to check and see if vector data is present in memory before proceeding.
                   - AddTwoWords() - Updated to check and see if vector data is present in memory before proceeding.
                   - SubtractTwoWords() - Updated to check and see if vector data is present in memory before proceeding.

     - - Capitalized first letter of log file name(s).
                             - Similarity() - Updated to support directory of similarity files using Word2vec::Util::GetFilesInDirectory() function.
                                              Note: Looks for files with extension ".sim"
     - - Capitalized first letter of log file name(s).
                    - WriteLog() - Bug Fix: Checking if called from outside module object fixed.
                    - GetWord2VecHandler() - Bug Fix: Changed calling word2vec->new() to Word2vec::Word2vec->new()
                    - GetWord2PhraseHandler() - Bug Fix: Changed calling word2phrase->new() to Word2vec::Word2phrase->new()
                    - GetXmltow2vHandler() - Bug Fix: Changed calling xmltow2v->new() to Word2vec::Xmltow2v->new()
                    - Added $self->{ _util } module object
                    - Added IsFileOrDirectory() function
                    - Added GetUtilHandler() function
                    - Added GetFilesInDirectory(), Word2vec::Util::GetFilesInDirectory() function
     - - Capitalized first letter of log file name(s).
                      - WriteLog() - Bug Fix: Checking if called from outside module object fixed.
     - - Capitalized first letter of log file name(s).
                   - WriteLog() - Bug Fix: Checking if called from outside module object fixed.
     - - Capitalized first letter of log file name(s).
                   - WriteLog() - Bug Fix: Checking if called from outside module object fixed.
     - - Created utility helper module - Houses a set of useful utility functions.

     - - ShowVersion() - Typo fix
                             - AskHelp() - Typo fix
                             - ShowHelp() - Typo fix

     - - Added '_' identifying character to beginning of private functions.
     - - Added '_' identifying character to beginning of private functions.
     - - CLMultiWordCosSimWithUserInput() - Added print log statement in the event debug log is disabled.
     - interface.pod & interface-xmltow2v.pod - Updated POD documentation, removing functions not found in the module.
     - - CLCompileTextCorpus() - Added log statements and checks for existing save file/path.
     - - CompileTextCorpus() - Updated minimal parameter requirements to reflect Interface::CLCompileTextCorpus() function.
                                                   - Updated default save path.
                                                  - Updated POD to reflect above changes.
     - word2vec-interface.pod - Updated to support script changes.

     - - POD Typo
     - Updated all scripts and POD documentation to list Dr. McInnes

     - Updated POD documentation to support previous changes and fixed typos.

     - - WSDGenerateAccuracyReport() - Sort results prior to printing.
     - - WSD() - User input error checking

     - - SortVectorFile() - Typo

     - - new() - Removed _wordVectorBST variable and associated functions.
                   - Changed _arrayOfWordVectors to _hashRefOfWordVectors
                   - ReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile() - Updated parameters to remove $storeAsBST variable
                                                     - Bug Fix: Remove newline character when reading first header line of vector data file
                   - SaveTrainedVectorDataToFile() - Updated to support vocabulary hash versus BST/array
                   - ComputeCosineSimilarity() - Removed references/functions to BST
                   - IsVectorDataInMemory() - Updated to support vocabulary hash versus BST/array
                   - IsVectorDataSorted() - Updated to support vocabulary hash versus BST/array
                   - GetWordVector() - Updated to support hash as vocabulary memory storage location versus BST/array
                   - GetVocabularyArray() -> GetVocabularyHash() - Updated code to support using hash versus BST/array
                   - SetVocabularyArray() -> SetVocabularyHash() - Updated code to support using hash versus BST/array
                   - ClearVocabularyArray() -> ClearVocabularyHash() - Updated code to support using hash versus BST/array
                   - AddWordVectorToVocabArray() -> AddWordVectorToVocabHash() - Updated code to support using hash versus BST/array
                   - Removed CreateWordVectorBST()
                   - Removed GetWordVectorBST()
                   - Removed SetWordVectorBST()
                   - Removed ClearWordVectorBST()
     - - CLComputeCosineSimilarity() - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLComputeMultiWordCosineSimilarity() - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLComputeAvgOfWordsCosineSimilarity() - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLMultiWordCosSimWithUserInput() - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLAddTwoWordVectors() - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLSubtractTwoWordVectors() - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToText() - Updated code to remove $storeAsBST variable
                                                          - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToBinary() - Updated code to remove $storeAsBST variable
                                                            - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToSparse() - Updated code to remove $storeAsBST variable
                                                           - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - CLSortVectorFile() - Updated to support word2vec hash versus BST/array change
                    - WSDParseList() - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
                    - W2VReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile() - Updated parameters to remove $storeAsBST variable
                    - W2VSetVocabularyArray() -> W2VSetVocabularyHash()
                    - W2VClearVocabularyArray() -> W2VClearVocabularyHash()
                    - W2VAddWordVectorToVocabAry() -> W2VAddWordVectorToVocabHash()
                    - Removed W2VCreateWordVectorBST()
                    - Removed W2VGetWordVectorBST()
                    - Removed W2VSetWordVectorBST()
                    - Removed W2VClearWordVectorBST()
     - - Similarity() - Added checks to see if similarity and vector binary files exist prior to
                                            - Updated to remove word2vec clear BST function
     - 1Word2vec.t - Updated to suite the latest changes.
     - After testing, shows performance increase of x2 loading and completion speeds when relying on word2vec data accessing times.
     - Memory utilization decreased from x2 times the file size to just above the file size.

     - - CLComputeCosineSimilarity() - Added log printing
                    - CLComputeMultiWordCosineSimilarity() - Added log printing
                    - CLComputeAvgOfWordsCosineSimilarity() - Added log printing

     - - Added thread shared word count variables.
                   - CompoundifyString() - Updated to support counting variables above.
                   - AppendToTempStr() - Updated to AppendStrToTextCorpus() standards.
                   - ConvertMedlineXMLToW2V() - Added statistic log statements: compound word count, total word count
                                              - Log statement typo
                                              - Now prints word counts after completing a job.
     - - CLCompileTextCorpus() - Updated log statements

     - - Similarity() - Bug Fix: Added clean up after processing data.
                             - Set --ignorecompileerrors to 0 if --debuglog passed. Changed to reflect setting interface::_ignoreCompileErrors variable to true by default in previous build.
     - - CLSimilaritySum() - Removed un-used $result variable declaration
                                        - Bug Fix: Updated check(s) for undefined/empty search word variable
                    - CLSimilarityAvg() - Removed un-used $result variable declaration
                                        - Bug Fix: Updated check(s) for undefined/empty search word variable
                    - CLSimilarityComp() - Removed un-used $result variable declaration
                                         - Bug Fix: Updated check(s) for undefined/empty search word variable

     - - CLCompoundifyTextInFile() - Cleaned string with Xmltow2v::RemoveSpecialCharactersFromString() method prior to compoundifying text.
                                                - Added more checks.
                    - Added ConvertStringLineEndingsToTargetOS() function - Converts passed string parameter to target OS (OS the Word2vec::Interface Package Is Run On).
     - - Added GetOSType() function.
                   - RemoveSpecialCharactersFromString() - Updated to re-format string line ending to target OS specifications. (Windows/Linux/OSX)
                                                         - Updated "tr" regex to let line ending characters remain after parsing string.
                   - AppendStrToTextCorpus() - Updated space trim regex to trim more than one space in-between string ends.
                   - ReadCompoundWordDataFromFile() - Included check to see if max compound word length is greater than 100. If so, error out gracefully.
     - WARNING: Automatic conversion not compatible with legacy MacOS format.

     - - Set module to ignore compile errors/warnings by default.

     - - ReadCompoundWordDataFromFile() - Compound word data now passed through ReadCompoundWordDataFromFile() method to remove special characters and clean string.
                                                    - Removed string lowercase conversion as this is already done in the ReadCompoundWordDataFromFile() function.
                   - SaveTextCorpusToFile() - Made thread safe / Well ensured safety.
                   - AppendStrToTextCorpus() - Made thread safe
                                             - Re-wrote method, removed unnecessary statements and included trim function to remove spaces at beginning and end of string.
                   - ParseArticle() - Included chomp() string tag data
                   - ParseJournal() - Included chomp() string tag data
                   - ParseOtherAbstract() - Included chomp() string tag data
                   - QuickParseJournal() - Included chomp() string tag data
                   - QuickParseArticle() - Included chomp() string tag data
                   - QuickParseOtherAbstract() - Included chomp() string tag data

     - - GetCommandOptions() -  Bug Fix: Script skips combined commands when using this function. $argIndex decrement error.
     - - ThreadedConvert() - Bug Fix: Finished job counter incrementing when XML job queue contains no data, resulting in erroneous count result.
                   - ConvertMedlineXMLToW2V() - Updated to use DateCheck() function only once. Twice was unnecessary.
                                              - Added log statements.
                   - ReadXMLDataFromFile() - Corrected log statement typo.
     - - CLCompileTextCorpus() - Updated error checking and added error log statements.

     - - Added DateCheck() function - Checks to see if specified begin and end dates are in proper format and if they're sensible. ie begin date year cannot exceed end date year, etc.
                   - ConvertMedlineXMLToW2V() - Updated to use the above function.
                   - ConvertMedlineXMLToW2V() / ThreadedConvert() - Updated to display number of parsed files versus number of total files in specified directory, after completion.
     - - PrintElapsedTime() - Bug Fix: Updated calculations to display correct estimations.
                             - Updated POD examples from "" to "".
     - 1xmltow2v.t - Updated to test DateCheck() function.
     - - Added XTWDateCheck() function.
                    - CLSimilarityAvg() - Bug Fix: Updated to convert all search strings/words to lower case before searching word vectors in memory.
                    - CLCompileTextCorpus() - Updated and reformatted some log statements.
     - - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Bug Fix: Prematurely set @resultAry to empty in the event @foundWords == 1.
                   - ComputeAvgOfWordsCosineSimilarity() - Updated log statement.
                   - ComputeMultiWordCosineSimilarity() - Bug Fix: Using function to remove words from word vector strings versus arrays / Word vector array references were being set to empty.
     - Updated POD documentation with the above changes.
     - Added missing function to POD documentation.
     - Recompiled all POD files.

     - - CLAddTwoWordVectors() - Performance updates. Split array into two elements (word + vector data) instead of splicing all elements and use shift() versus splice
                                              to remove word from array.
                    - CLSubtractTwoWordVectors() - Performance updates. Split array into two elements (word + vector data) instead of splicing all elements and use shift() versus splice
                                              to remove word from array.
     - - CreateBST() - Updated code. Now using array shift() versus splice(). (Neglible performance increases but code is easier to read).
                               - Performance update - splice() into two array elements (word + vector data) instead of splicing all elements. x2 speed increase seen during tests.
     - - RemoveWordFromWordVectorString() - Performance update. Splits string into two array elements (word + vector data), instead of splicing all elements.
                   - ComputeMultiWordCosineSimilarity() - Updated to use RemoveWordFromWordVectorString() function. Should see a speed increase due to this change.
                   - AddTwoWords() - Updated to use array shift() versus splice() to remove word from array.
                   - SubtractTwoWords() - Updated to use array shift() versus splice() to remove word from array.
                   - ComputeCosineSimilarity() - Updated to use array shift() versus splice() to remove word from array.
                   - SaveTrainedVectorDataToFile() - Updated to use array shift() versus splice() to remove word from array.
                   - AverageOfTwoWordVectors() - Typo in log statement.
                   - SubtractTwoWords() - Typo in log statement.
                   - CreateWordVectorBST() - Updated to use Word2vec::W2vbst::CreateTree() versus Word2vec::W2vbst::CreateBST().
                                           - Updated function error checking.
                                           - Updated log statements.
                                           - Updated function to return status message (return value: 0 = Success / -1 = Un-successful).
                   - ReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile() - Updated to use CreateWordVectorBST() return value for error checking.
     - Updated POD documentation to support the above changes.

     - - IsVectorDataSorted() - Updated to use array reference argument. If not defined, it will try to fetch the vocabulary array in word2vec object.
                   - ReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile() - Updated to support signed sorted header.
                   - SaveTrainedVectorDataToFile() - Bug Fix: Removed previous patch. This forced sparse vector word vectors to save in dense word vector format.
                                                   - Updated to support signed sorted header.
                   - CheckWord2VecDataFileType() - Updated to support reading signed header file by --sortvectorfile routine.
     - - W2VIsVectorDataSorted() - Updated to support the above change.
                    - W2VSaveTrainedVectorDataToFile() - Renamed second argument variable name.
     - Note: Tested --sortvectorfile routine will dense, sparse and binary formatted arrays with success.

     - Added ability to sort vector data file and save as new or replace old files. This will be done to eliminate sorting on the fly while processing data/speeds up data loading.
     - - Added CLSortVectorFile()
                    - Added W2VIsVectorDataSorted()
     - - Added function IsVectorDataSorted()
                   - CreateWordVectorBST() - Updated to support vector data file that are already sorted.
     - - SortVectorFile()

  version 0.02

     - Clean.t - Implemented to clean up word2vec directory files after testing.
     - - WSDParseList() - Updated to check for existing vector data in memory.
                                      This update will now overwrite existing data if new vector
                                      file path is specified or use existing data if vector file path
                                      is not specified.
     - inteface.t - Added more tests.
     - Makefile.PL - Changed required Encoding version from 2.87 to 2.86.


     - BuildExecutables.t - Implemented this test file to build executable files prior to running other tests.
     - README.pod - Updated to reflect renamed modules and scripts.
     - - Added missing function: W2VClearWordVectorBST()
     - interface.t - More advanced function testing.


     - - CLAddTwoWordVectors() - Bug Fix: Return undef when one or more words not found.
                    - CLSubtractTwoWordVectors() - Bug Fix: Return undef when one or more words not found.
                    - CLConvertWord2VecBinaryToText() - Renamed to CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToText()
                    - CLConvertWord2VecTextToBinary() - Renamed to CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToBinary()
                    - CLConvertWord2VecTextToSparse() - Renamed to CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToSparse()
                    - CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToText()- Bug Fix: Resolved condition where this function permanently
                                                                      sets sparsevectormode variable to true. Subsequent
                                                                      reading of a dense or binary formatted vector data
                                                                      will result in reading errors.
                    - CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToBinary()- Bug Fix: Resolved condition where this function permanently
                                                                      sets sparsevectormode variable to true. Subsequent
                                                                      reading of a dense or binary formatted vector data
                                                                      will result in reading errors.
                    - CLConvertWord2VecVectorFileToSparse()- Bug Fix: Resolved condition where this function permanently
                                                                      sets sparsevectormode variable to true. Subsequent
                                                                      reading of a dense or binary formatted vector data
                                                                      will result in reading errors.
                    - CLSimilarityAvg() - Bug Fix: Check to see if vector data is in memory before continuing.
                                        - Log typo
                    - CLSimilarityComp() - Bug Fix: Check to see if vector data is in memory before continuing.
                                         - Log typo
                    - CLSimilartiySum() - Bug Fix: Check to see if vector data is in memory before continuing.
                                        - Log typo
     - Updated Interface.t, interface.pod & to support the above changes.
     - - BSTContainsSearch() - Bug Fix: Check to see if $node->data is defined before using contents.
              - BSTExactSearch() - Bug Fix: Check to see if $node->data is defiend before using contents.
     - - BSTExactSearch() - Bug Fix: Check to see if $node->word is defined before using contents.
     - - GetWordVector() - Bug Fix: Check to see if vector data is in memory before continuing.
     - interface.t - More advanced function testing.


     - - GetWordVectorBST() - Bug Fix: w2vbst->new() to Word2vec::W2vbst->new()
                   - RemoveWordFromWordVectorString() - Use "shift" versus old method. Achieves the same results but much easier to interpret.
     - word2vec.t - Added more sparse vector data format testing routines.
     - interface.t - Started basic interface testing routines.
     - - new() - Fixed checking for current working directory and print statement.


     - - Incorporated ComputeAvgOfWordsCosineSimilarity() to include calculating averages of words. Now arguments require words to compute, not word vector averages.
                   - ComputeAvgOfWordsCosineSimilarity() - Returns undef when ComputeAverageOfWords() function returns undef.
                   - Added AverageOfTwoWordVectors() function.
                   - Added ComputeCosineSimilarityOfWordVectors() function.
                   - Updated WSDCalculateCosineAvgSimilarity() to use the new ComputeCosineSimilarityOfWordVectors() function as the old function is no longer compatible.
                   - new() - Enabled minimize memory usage setting by default.
                   - GetMinimizeMemoryUsage() - Set to enable if not defined.
                   - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Correction in printed logs / Log Update
                   - GetWordVector() - Updated printed log text.
                   - Added RemoveWordFromWordVectorString() function.
     - - CLSimilarityAvg() - Updated to support the above change.
                                        - Included print statements when debuglog option is disabled.
                    - CLComputeCosineSimilarity() - Updated to clear bst in memory.
                    - CLComputeMultiWordCosineSimilarity() - Updated to clear bst in memory.
                    - CLComputeAvgOfWordsCosineSimilarity() - Updated to clear bst in memory.
                    - CLMultiWordCosSimWithUserInput() - Updated to clear bst in memory.
                    - Added W2VAverageOfTwoWordVectors() function to support the above change.
                    - Added W2VComputeCosineSimilarityOfWordVectors() function to support the above change.
     - - WSD() - Enabled low memory usage by default.
     - word2vec.t - Finished majority of testing cases for dense/binary arrays.
     - Updated POD documentation to support the above changes.
     - Updated depreciated scripts to support the above changes.


     - - GetCompoundWordBST() - Bug Fix: bst->new() to Word2vec::bst->new();
     - xmltow2v.t - Finished testing cases.
     - - ExecuteStringTraining() - Bug Fix: Not training on temp file, now fixed.
     - - GetBinaryOutput() - Set to return 1 by word2vec package default standards.
                   - SaveTrainedVectorDataToFile() - Bug Fix: Missing file handle close statements.
                                                   - Updated to support conversion from sparse vector formatted data.
                                                   (Conversion would fail if original format was binary converting to sparse or sparse to sparse)
     - word2phrase.t - Finished testing cases.
     - word2vec.t - Basic testing done. Advanced testing needs to be completed.


     - xmltow2v.t - More testing cases.


     - Updated POD documentation with latest added functions.


     - - Reverted change from storing vocabulary as hash back to binary search tree.
                     (After testing, I found the BST to be much faster than using a Hash vocabulary)


     - - PrintElapsedTime() - Bug Fix: Incorrect day calculation
                                                  - Updates
     - - - Depreciated, Now storing vocabulary data as hash. Functions affected below:
                     ComputeAverageOfWords(), GetWordVector(),
                     ClearVocabularyArray() -> ClearVocabularyHash()
                     SetVocabularyArray()   -> SetVocabularyHash()
                     GetVocabularyArray()   -> GetVocabularyHash()
                   - Removed all functions: SetWordVectorBST(), ClearWordVectorBST()
     - word2vec.pod - Updated to support the above changes.
     - - Updated to support the above changes.
     - interface.pod - Updated to support the above changes.
     - Added undocumented functions to POD files.


     - - Similarity() - Added return statement status checking.
     - - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Updated commenting
                   - CLSimilarityAvg(), CLSimilarityComp() & CLSimilaritySum() - Added file checking and return statements.


     - - WSDGenerateAccuracyReport() - Bug Fix: Reporting no results files found despite finding files and reporting parsing/saving files when none found.
                    - WSDParseList() - Bug Fix: Now checks for zero-byte files prior to trying to load them in memory.


     - - Changed some command names to more sensible names.
                             - Added similarity option and related methods.
                             - Added Similarity() method.
     - - Added CLSimilarityAvg(), CLSimilarityComp() & CLSimilaritySum() methods.
     - - Updated clear vocabulary and bst methods to set number of words and vector length variables to zero.
                   - ReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile - Bug Fix: Updated to check number of words in memory versus vocabulary array before loading trained vector data.
                   - ReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile - Updated to set NumberOfWords & VectorLength when reading text vector formatted file.
     - Package update: Added functionality for the ease of computing similarity measures based on changes above.


     - - ComputeCosineSimilarity() / ComputeMultiWordCosineSimilarity() - Updated to support GetWordVector() function and its new algorithms.
                                                                                      Both functions are not compatible with sparse vectors as well as dense vectors.
                   - ComputeMultiWordCosineSimilarity() - Bug Fixes / Performance updates.
                   - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Bug Fix: Setting results array to empty if computational average divisor < 1.
                   - ReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile() - Bug Fix: Attempting to parse uninitialized variable : $buffer.


     - - Re-added: WSDAnalyzeSenseFiles() with better detection of instance/sense id mis-match.


     - - Added _minimizeMemoryUsage variable, GetMinimizeMemoryUsage() and SetMinimizeMemoryUsage() methods.
     - - Added provisions for setting (-lowmemusage) WSD option. Default is off.
                             - Bug Fix: -lowmemusage option set to 0 regardless if user desired to set to 1.
                             - Bug Fix: Checking "n" with '!=' equality operator versus 'ne' operator.
     - word2vec::ComputeAverageOfWords() - Added a low memory usage algorithm set-able be the above changes.
                                         - Bug Fix: Attempting to convert undefined variable to hash. Conversion method throwing error.
     - - Added W2VConvertRawSparseTextToVectorDataAry(), W2VConvertRawSparseTextToVectorDataHash(),
                      W2VGetSparseVectorMode(), W2VGetVectorLength(), W2VGetNumberOfWords(), W2VGetMinimizeMemoryUsage(),
                      W2VSetSparseVectorMode(), W2VSetVectorLength(), W2VSetNumberOfWords(), W2VSetMinimizeMemoryUsage() methods.


     - - WSDAnalyzeSenseFiles() - Removed as it is no longer necessary.
     - - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Hash to Array : Off by one issue resulting in memory leaks.
                                               Note: My sparse vector format specification consisted of 0 being the first index in the sparse vector.
                                                     Dr McInnes' sparse vector format specification consisted of 1 being the first index in the sparse vector.
                                                     This resulted in the last index being off by one / memory leak.


     - - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Re-wrote algorithm to be more memory efficient at the cost of speed.
                   - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Another re-write using hashes (Speed + Memory Efficiency)
                   - Added ConvertRawSparseTextToVectorDataAry() & ConvertRawSparseTextToVectorDataHash()
     - - WSDCalculateCosineAvgSimilarity() - Bug Fix: Check $cosSimValue is defined prior to utilizing.
                    - WSDCalculateCosineAvgSimilarity() - Bug Fix: Checking to see if result after calling ComputeAverageOfWords() is defined.
                    - CLComputeAvgOfWordsCosineSimilarity() - Bug Fix: Checking to see if result after calling ComputeAverageOfWords() is defined.
                                                            - Bug Fix: Checking $avgAVtrSize and $avgBVtrSize for undefined variables.
                    - ComputeCosineSimilarity() - Bug Fix: Checking $wordAVtrSize and $wordBVtrSize for undefined variables.


     - - Commenting updates/fixes
                    - Added W2VAddTwoWords() / W2VSubtractTwoWords() Methods to support previous Word2vec::Word2vec module updates.
     - - Efficiency/Speed fix - De-refencing array reference and assigning to array variable versus accessing through
                                            array reference. Line: 775
                   - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Bug Fix: Divide by zero (even-though this should never happen, it is just a pre-caution )
                   - ComputeAverageOfWords() - Bug Fix: Fixed memory leak!!!!!
                   - GetWordVector() - Included argument to retrieve raw sparse text during "Sparse Vector Format Mode"


     - Due to memory constraint issues with large sparse vector formatted data, data is now stored as a sparse vector and converted on-the-fly.
     - word2vec::ReadTrainedVectorDataFromFile() - Updated to store sparse vector data as sparse vector data string.
     - word2vec::SaveTrainedvectorDataToFile() - Updated to support new "storing sparse formatted vector" data in memory and conversions between formats.
     - word2vec::GetWordVector() - Missing return statement
                                 - Updated to convert sparse vector data format to regular vector data format on-the-fly.
     - interface::WSDParseList() - Debug log statement fixes and updates
     - Warning: Using large sparse vectors come at an expense of speed. Sparse vectors are converted to standard vectors on-the-fly.
     - Renamed all associated files to include capitalization of the first letter of each file name.
     - Updated Makefile.PL, MANIFEST & MANIFEST-org files to support the above naming convention change.


     - interface::CLCompileTextCorpus() - Bug Fix: Setting overwriteExistingFile if numOfThreads not defined. Corrected to check
                                                   against correct variable.
                                        - Updated to support checking current CPU for number of cores. This is utilized to set
                                          numOfThreads variable when not defined.


     - word2vec-interface - Removed External in main directory
     - MANIFEST - Removed "ignore.txt" entry
     - MAKEFILE - Changed "Class::Struct" to 0.64
     - README - Updated "authors & copyright" to include Dr. McInnes
     - INSTALL - Updated "contact list" to include Dr. McInnes
     - - Updated help sub-routine. Typos.
                             - Updated script to ignore compiler warnings when user runs "--test" command.
                             - ShowVersion() - Typo and added Dr. McInnes to copyright.
                             - ShowHelp() - Updated formatting to display correctly on smaller windows.

  version 0.01
    1. Initial package release