Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::StopWords
0.08 2006-09-19
* Fix version mismatch between main module and submodules.
0.07 2006-09-19
* Fix failing test: skip instead of fail if Test::Pod::Coverage can't
be found.
0.06 2006-08-18
* Add Finnish stoplist.
0.05 2006-02-19
* Fix versioning problem with submodules
0.04 2006-02-19
* Minor mods to documentation
0.03 2006-02-19
* New maintainer Marvin Humphrey
* Add UTF-8 option
* Add Russian
0.02 2004-04-18
* fix the test file (no need to use Data::Denter)
0.01 Sat Apr 10 19:31:27 2004
* original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-X Lingua::StopWords