Revision history for Perl extension File::Lock::Multi.

0.08  Tue Dec 14 22:07:00 2010
     - Changed parameter "file" to "name" so that it makes more sense
       when locking things that aren't actually files.
     - Added support for locking via MySQL's GET_LOCK() function.

0.07  Mon Jun 22 18:35:00 2009
     - Fixed parameter validation, again (RT#46965)
     - Skip file removal tests under win32 - they're failing but that
       doesn't completely remove this module's use there.

0.06  Mon Jun 15 22:19:00 2009
     - Fixed a problem with some versions of Params::Classify (or perl?)
       treating subrouting references weirdly (RT#46965)

0.05  Mon Mar 23 11:00:00 2009
     - Fixed "clean"ing logic in File::Lock::Multi::FlockFiles

0.04  Sat Mar 21 21:00:00 2009
     - Fixed unit tests

0.03  Thu Mar 19 18:30:00 2009
    - Under linux, depend on Linux::Fuser 1.5, since it allows
      us to see the file descriptor numbers that a process is accessing
      a file under (RT#43979)
    - Created a class for 'iterative' lockers; this is useful in
      environments that don't support fuser, as well as environments
      where you may not have permissions to do a proper fuser check
      (eg; different user-id's wanting to lock the same file).
    - Created an "FlockFiles" class that emulates multi-locks by
      maintaining multiple lock files based off of a name
      ("lockfile.1", "lockfile.2", etc)

0.02  Thu Mar 12 15:21:00 2009
    - Factored out an explicit base class for File::Lock::Multi objects
    - Fixed a bug that made it impossible to tell how many lockers a
      file has unless you also have a lock.

0.01  Mon Mar  9 09:28:20 2009
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXP -b 5.6.0 Lock::Multi