Revision history for Perl extension Class::Clone.

0.06  Tue Jan 8 10:57:44 2012
    - Resurrect module for DBIx::Migration::Directories

0.05  Sat Jan 21 12:41:00 2006
    - Support older versions of 'Exporter' by basing ourselves off of
      it instead of just pulling in it's "import" function.
      I did this to the actual package in 0.04, but forgot to do it
      to the unit tests as well. D'oh! I'm hoping now that this is fixed
      in the unit tests, we'll get a nice shiny PASS on

0.04  Tue Jan 10 18:14:00 2006
    - Support older versions of 'Exporter' by basing ourselves off of
      it instead of just pulling in it's "import" function.

0.03  Sat Dec 17 14:45:00 2005
    - Add support for doing deep recursive copies using the Clone package
      this is now the default, so that a Class::Clone'd package is truly
      separate from it's originator.

0.02  Mon Dec 12 10:23:00 2005
	- Documented special @ISA behaviour
	- Fixed Makefile.PL (we depend on Symbol::Table!)

0.01  Wed Dec  7 21:36:27 2005
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-AXP -b 5.6.0 Class::Clone