Revision history for Perl extension Class::Clone.
0.04 Tue Jan 10 18:14:00 2006
- Support older versions of 'Exporter' by basing ourselves off of
it instead of just pulling in it's "import" function.
0.03 Sat Dec 17 14:45:00 2005
- Add support for doing deep recursive copies using the Clone package
this is now the default, so that a Class::Clone'd package is truly
separate from it's originator.
0.02 Mon Dec 12 10:23:00 2005
- Documented special @ISA behaviour
- Fixed Makefile.PL (we depend on Symbol::Table!)
0.01 Wed Dec 7 21:36:27 2005
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AXP -b 5.6.0 Class::Clone