0.01 Oct 16 1999 - original version based on astro.pm
0.02 Nov 10 1999 - Bug fixes, documentation updates and Misc.pm
0.03 Nov 15 1999 - Bug fixes
	- Order of returned parameters in mjd2dayno
	- Calling order in coord_convert
	- Assuming radians not turns in kindist
	- Forgot to export routines in Misc.pm
	- Fixed spelling in PODs
0.5  Nov 19 1999 - First CPAN release
	- Added README and minor changes 
0.51 Nov 17 2000
	- Minor Changes
	- Added j2gal routine

0.6  Nov 2 2001
	- Replace J2000 <-> B1950 routines with copies of SLALIB routines
	- Updated calc_Nl (and bug fix)
	- Replace Panagia spectral type values by Thompson

0.61 Sep 26 2002
	- Allow Bepoch to be set (via "global variable") for
	  fk4fk5 routine.
	- rad2turn and turn2rad change to accept array of values