Revision history for Perl extension API::INSEE::Sirene.
- The getCustomCriteria method doesn't take $use_historized_field parameter anymore
The module will now auto-detect historized fields
- Added setCurrentEndpoint method
- Aliases are now mapped with more fields
- Updated documentation
- Updated dependencies in Makefile.PL
- Major internal restructuration
- The module version number is no longer depending on the INSEE's API version number
- The module is now using POO
- This module will now send requests using POST method when possible.
This is allowed by the INSEE's API since version 3.6.0 in order to avoid too long requests in the URL.
- The API returns HTTP_NOT_FOUND code when no results have been found, even if the request was correct.
The module now handles this case correctly and returns the json body instead of dumping the request.
- In general way, the module now correctly handles the different HTTP response codes given by the API
- Better handling of tokens renewal
- Added searchLegalUnitBySIREN method
- Added searchEstablishmentBySIRET method
- Added getCustomCriteria method
- Added searchByCustomCriteria method
- Added setMaxResults method
- Added setDebugMode method
- Added setProxy method
- Added setTimeout method
- Added setCredentials method
- Added MIN_DIGIT constant
- Removed CLIENT_AUTH constant
- Removed getEstablishmentsByCriteria function
- Removed getLegalUnitsByCriteria function
- Removed getUserAgentInitialized function
- Updated documentation
- Updated documentation
- Fixed badly named variables
- Updated documentation
- Fixed errors in documentation from the previous version
- Fixed regression about automatic token renewal
- Fixed some return values, now all the functions return the error first and the result second
- Added automatic token renewal
- Updated documentation
- Decreased $HARD_MAX_RESULTS value from 10000 to 1000 according to the new specifications applicable from 2019-10-01
- Updated documentation
- Documentation standardization
- Minor code improvements
- Errors handling improvement. The module will now display better errors
- Added checkResponse() function
- Moved getEstablishmentsByCriteria() to @EXPORT_OK
- Moved getLegalUnitBySIREN() to @EXPORT
3.501 Mon Jul 8 12:40:26 2019
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AX -n API::INSEE::Sirene -v 3.501