Revision history for Perl extension API::INSEE::Sirene.

        - Updated documentation
        - Fixed errors in documentation from the previous version
        - Fixed regression about automatic token renewal
        - Fixed some return values, now all the functions returns in first the error and in second the result

        - Added automatic token renewal
        - Updated documentation

        - Decreased $HARD_MAX_RESULTS value from 10000 to 1000 according to new the specifications applicable from 2019-10-01
        - Updated documentation

        - Documentation standardization
        - Minor code improvements
        - Errors handling improvement. The module will now display better errors
        - Added checkResponse() method
        - Moved getEstablishmentsByCriteria() to @EXPORT_OK
        - Moved getLegalUnitBySIREN() to @EXPORT

3.501  Mon Jul  8 12:40:26 2019
        - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
            -AX -n API::INSEE::Sirene -v 3.501