RCS file: RCS/PlainConfig.pm,v
Working file: PlainConfig.pm
head: 1.7
locks: strict
corliss: 1.7
access list:
symbolic names:
keyword substitution: kv
total revisions: 7; selected revisions: 7
Plain RC conf file parser/generator
revision 1.7 locked by: corliss;
date: 2002/10/08 19:04:59; author: corliss; state: Exp; lines: +5 -3
--Warnings cleanup
revision 1.6
date: 2002/10/04 21:27:44; author: corliss; state: Exp; lines: +50 -13
--Fixed bug in test (root can still read/delete files with no r bit set)
--Comments are now preserved when loading conf files
--Describe method added to allow new comments for directives
revision 1.5
date: 2002/04/29 16:39:37; author: corliss; state: Exp; lines: +3 -3
--Upped the rev to account for my bone-headed packaging. . .
revision 1.4
date: 2002/04/25 08:01:12; author: corliss; state: Exp; lines: +16 -9
--Added FORCE_SCALAR option
revision 1.3
date: 2002/04/23 19:47:51; author: corliss; state: Exp; lines: +481 -415
--Expanded and improved the documentation
--Added purge modes and manual purge method
--Added directives method to retrieve all the keys from the conf hash
--Fixed bug in which certain error codes weren't properly returned
to the caller
--Fixed bug in which spurious warnings were generated when parsing a
file with the wrong delimiter.
revision 1.2
date: 2002/01/31 11:00:05; author: corliss; state: Exp; lines: +246 -12
--Added capability to specify delimiter to use
--Added write capability for generating conf files
--Added key order retrieval/set capabilities
--Expanded documentation of existing topics
--Added security section
--Constructor now allows the file and/or delimiter to be set and loaded
--Added error method to retrieve error text messages
--Now stripping trailing and leading whitespace for both keys and values
revision 1.1
date: 2002/01/18 07:08:28; author: corliss; state: Exp;
Initial revision