Revision history for Text-Ngram
0.08 Fri Oct 28 16:40:00 2005
- fixed a bug (thanks to Greg) that had apparently been
lurking around since the beginning of times (bug would only
expose itself whenever the lowercase flag not set, which wouldn't
happen often, as it probably isn't common to search for case-sensitive
ngrams); digging deeper to understand the bug, by the way,
has unleashed a hell of confusion given that the documentation has a
couple of minor bugs that can become a major PITA in certain
situations... the module is safe to use if you don't want to
do major hacks with uppercased ngrams, but another version will
probably be available soon (for certain values of soon)
- added tests for behavior with lowercase flag not set
0.07 Fri Apr 15 00:32:00 2005
- fixed a bug introduced in 0.06, thanks to Marcus (always remember to
make clean before make/make test)
0.06 Sat Apr 03 11:48:00 2005
- added pod-coverage.t to the tests directory
0.05 Wed Nov 03 00:04:00 2004
- added more tests
- added configuration, allowing parameter "punctuation", "spaces",
"lowercase" and "flankbreaks"; the default configuration is backwards
- ngrams of size 0 or less are now imediately returned as a reference
to an empty hash
- changes in the documentation
- added pod.t to the tests directory
- minor changes to the documentation
- added META.yml
- changed the way text is prepared
- fixed an embarassing export bug
0.01 Wed Apr 2 13:06:16 2003
- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
-A -b 5.6.0 -n Text::Ngram