Revision history for Perl extension Text::Affixes.

0.06  Fri Nov 05 00:17:14 2004
	- added parameter "exclude_numbers" to the configuration
	- added parameter "lowercase" to the configuration
	- code for extracting prefixes and suffixes now resides in the same
	  private function

0.05  Mon Nov 01 15:18:00 2004
	- Perl required version is now 5.006
	- changes in the documentation
	- added pod.t and pod-coverage.t to the tests directory
	- when minimum size is bigger than maximum size, a reference to an
	  empty hash is automatically returned

0.04  Tue Oct 26 19:20:00 2004
	- corrected grammar (it's "suffix", not "sufix"; duh!)

0.03  Tue Oct 26 00:00:10 2004
	- minor changes in the documentation
	- added tests

0.02  Sat Oct 23 17:04:20 2004
	- added README

0.01  Sat Oct 23 17:04:20 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-Xan Text::Affixes