Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::PT::Nums2Words.

1.06  Mon Nov 08 19:49:00 2004
	- moved a few things around
        - changes in the documentation
        - added pod.t and pod-coverage to the tests directory

1.05  Wed Sep 22 00:09:00 2004
	- Perl required version is now 5.006 (was 5.008)

1.04  Thu Sep 16 22:01:00 2004
	- added META.yml

1.03  Tue May  4 00:55:00 2004
	- changed / added documentation

1.02  Tue May  4 18:02:00 2004
	- the module now converts numbers from 0 to 999999999999999
	- more tests have been added

1.01  Sat May  1 19:20:00 2004
	- the module now converts numbers from 0 to 999999

1.00  Sat May  1 18:00:00 2004
	- completed (converts numbers from 0 to 9999)

0.01  Sat May  1 16:57:10 2004
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
		-XAn Lingua::PT::Nums2Words