Revision history for Perl extension Apache::ReverseProxy
0.06 Thu Mar 8 02:38:12 PST 2001
- Applied patch from Ward Vandewege <> to
fix a hanging problem that occurs with HTML forms
that have a user defined encoding type.
(example: enctype="multipart/form-data")
0.05 Thu Jan 20 18:20:27 PST 2000
- Added patch from David Jao <>
to allow the proxy to return chunks of the entity-body as it
receives data from the web server, instead of retrieving the
entire entity-body and then returning it to the client.
0.04 Wed Nov 17 15:57:23 PST 1999
- Forwards multiple headers with the same header name
back to the client, often used by Set-cookie when
setting multiple cookies in one HTTP response.
0.03 Fri Nov 5 15:34:01 PST 1999
- Forwards the client's user-agent, content-type, and
entity body.
0.02 Mon Nov 1 16:08:46 PST 1999
- Exact parameter matches query strings too.
- Proxy chaining added.
0.01 Wed Oct 27 02:34:52 PDT 1999
- original version; created by h2xs 1.16