Revision history for Handel-Storage-RDBO
1.00002 Sat Han 19 23:18:23 2008
- Tested with latest RDBO Components
- Fixed META.yml syntax (Author)
- Fixed Perl::Critic tests
1.00001 Fri July 20 21:42:19 2007
- Fixed test schema to actually use Handel 1.0 schema
- Changed tests over to TEST_AUTHOR
1.00000 Sun June 24 08:57:22 2007
- Converted to Module::Install
- Updated tests after Handel Currency changes
- Inflate trigger now handles blessed currency objects
- Storage classes now cache/reuse same Rose::DB
- Item operations in storae now share pae Rose::DB object
- Added checkout tests
- Removed t/style_critic_tests. ETOOMUCHWORKFORLITTLEBENEFIT
0.01_02 Thur Dec 21 12:29:00 2006
- Reworked init_db/Storage connection with the help of John Siracusa
- Storage connection_info is now just like the DBIC storage connection_info
- Requires latest version of Rose::DB from svn/0.732 when released
- Fixed pod typoe in Storage::Order::Item
- First version, released on an unsuspecting world.