Revision history for Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-CJM
4.33 2015-02-07
- Remove Moose::Autobox from prerequisites
(While 4.32 stopped using it, it was still erroneously
listed as a prerequisite.)
4.32 2015-01-31
- Don't use Moose::Autobox
- Require @Git version 2.027 (supports %c in Git::Tag)
- Require GitVersionCheckCJM version 4.26 (latest version)
- Require MatchManifest version 4.01 (safety check)
- Require PodLoom version 5.00 (Dzil 5 compatible)
- Require TemplateCJM version 4.22 (latest version)
- Require Test::PrereqsFromMeta 4.23 (latest version)
4.31 2013-12-21
- Pass check_recommend_tests param to RecommendedPrereqs
- 4.30 neglected to list RunExtraTests as a prerequisite
4.30 2013-09-21
- Use RunExtraTests instead of ExtraTests. Unfortunately,
this means that the MANIFEST will change, and MatchManifest
will complain about that.
If you're working with one of my dists and run into this issue,
please add ":version = 4.30 ; use RunExtraTests" to dist.ini
under [@Author::CJM], and commit dist.ini and MANIFEST in a
separate commit before committing any of your changes. The
commit message should be:
Update to Author::CJM 4.30
Release tests are now in xt/
4.20 2013-08-24
- Pass template_date_format param to TemplateCJM (as date_format)
Default value is "MMMM d, y". This allows Changes to follow
CPAN::Changes::Spec while still using English dates elsewhere.
- Require TemplateCJM version 4.20 (supports date_format)
- Require Test::PrereqsFromMeta 4.20 (latest version)
4.13 2012-03-21
- Pass mb_class param to builder plugin
- Require RecommendedPrereqs version 4.06 (latest version)
4.12 2011-12-12
- Add Test::PrereqsFromMeta
- Pass pod_finder param to PodLoom and TemplateCJM (as finder)
- Pass template_file param to TemplateCJM (as file)
- The @CJM bundle has been removed. You should replace [@CJM]
with [@Author::CJM / CJM] in your dist.ini
4.11 2011-11-11
- Add CheckPrereqsIndexed
- Pass check_recommend param to RecommendedPrereqs
- Add remove_plugin param (Can't pass multivalue params to @Filter)
- Improve documentation
4.10 2011-11-01
- Rename bundle from @CJM to @Author::CJM. This dist still
contains a @CJM bundle, but it just issues a deprecation
warning and loads @Author::CJM. It will be removed soon.
- Add RecommendedPrereqs
- Pass check_files param to GitVersionCheckCJM
- Pass changelog_re param to TemplateCJM
- Require PodLoom version 4.01 (latest version)
4.02 2011-05-05
- Specify master branch in push_to, so it can push to a new repository
- Require PodLoom version 4.00 (compatible with current dzil).
- Require TemplateCJM version 3.05 (latest version)
4.01 2010-12-20
- Use %t to indicate a trial release
- Require @Git version 1.103520 (supports %t in Tag & Commit)
- Require TemplateCJM version 3.04 (latest version)
4.00 2010-12-07
- Require PodLoom version 3.01 (prefer web URL for repository).
- Require MatchManifest version 4.00 (works on Windows).
- Require TemplateCJM version 3.03 (more selective processing).
- Change major version to 4, because Dist::Zilla 4 is required.
0.10 2010-11-11
- Require GitVersionCheckCJM version 3.02 and Git::Wrapper.
Don't require anymore.
- Require Repository version 0.16 so github_http is unnecessary.
- Require MatchManifest version 0.04 (latest version).
0.09 2010-11-05
- Add MetaJSON (while keeping MetaYAML for v1.4 support)
- Add github_http = 0 for Repository (Meta 2 has url & web)
0.08 2010-04-14
@CJM is now a working PluginBundle.
The plugins are now distributed separately from @CJM.
If you previously installed this bundle to get one of the
plugins, you should uninstall this bundle, and install
Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM instead. Sorry for any confusion this
- distributed in Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodLoom
All other plugins and Role::ModuleInfo
- distributed in Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM
0.07 2010-04-01
- added tests
0.06 2010-04-01
- add FilePruner for archive directory (Michael Schout)
- are now FileFinderUsers
0.05 2010-03-30
- All plugins now have a SYNOPSIS
- Revised compile tests
0.04 2010-03-29
- Now requires Dist::Zilla 2
- Added compile tests
- Added a BeforeRelease check to ensure the directory exists
(creating it if necessary) and this release hasn't already
been archived
0.03 2010-03-15
- Includes a new version of Template_strict.patch that
supports scalar references properly
- Shortened log message
- New plugin
- Is now an InstallTool instead of a FileMunger, because
prerequisites have not been calculated at FileMunger time
- Added the dependency_link & dependency_list methods
- Added a BeforeRelease check to ensure the release date is
not just an uppercase word
0.02 2010-03-07
- Added POD tests
- Use the plugin's log method so the plugin name appears in the log
- New plugins
- Define abstract, module, & version only if they
could be determined
- Also process comments that start at beginning of line
0.01 2009-10-11
- Initial release includes: