Revision history for Dist::Zilla::Plugin::TemplateCJM

Note: This plugin was previously part of Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM.
Some version numbers are skipped here because there were no changes
to this plugin in that release of Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM.

5.000  2015-12-05
	- don't "use Moose::Autobox" (Dist::Zilla doesn't use it anymore)
	- drop support for Dist::Zilla 4.
	  (Tests were failing, and Dist::Zilla 5 is 2 years old now.)

4.24   2015-10-03
	- Module::Metadata 1.000028 returns "main" as the package
	  of a pure-POD file with no package statement (while
	  previous versions returned the empty string).	 TemplateCJM
	  now handles either case, substituting a module name derived
	  from the filename.
	  (TemplateCJM 4.12-4.23 do that only with pre-1.000028)

4.23   2015-07-11
	- add $filename and $pathname as available template variables

4.22   2014-04-26
	- can now handle non-ASCII Changes file with Dist::Zilla 5

4.21   2013-09-07
	- now allows release note if date conforms to CPAN::Changes::Spec

4.20   2013-08-17
	- now a separate distribution from Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM
	- can now reformat date from Changes (add date_format parameter)

4.12   2013-01-12
	- handle pure-POD files without package declaration or $VERSION
	  (Must be named *.pod and found in lib/ directory.)

4.10   2012-08-03
	- normalize Perl version in dependency_list
	- remove leading "v" from versions in dependency_list

4.09   2012-06-04
	- add report_versions parameter

4.00   2011-11-01
	- Add changelog_re parameter
	- Tests now use Test::DZil

3.05   2011-05-05
	- Fix dependency_list to handle no dependencies

3.04   2010-12-20
	- Updated docs to talk about Module::Metadata

3.03   2010-12-07
	- Only process comments that contain a {{ }} pair.
	  Text::Template breaks on strings that have the closing
	  delimiter without the opening one.

3.00   2010-05-22
	- Now requires & compatible with Dist::Zilla 3

0.08   2010-04-14
	- added build_instructions method
	- In templates, $changes no longer ends with a newline

0.07   2010-04-01
	- added tests

0.06   2010-04-01
	- is now a FileFinderUser

0.05   2010-03-30
	- Revised compile tests
	- Now requires Dist::Zilla 2

0.03   2010-03-15
	- Includes a new version of Template_strict.patch that
	  supports scalar references properly
	- Is now an InstallTool instead of a FileMunger, because
	  prerequisites have not been calculated at FileMunger time
	- Added the dependency_link & dependency_list methods
	- Added a BeforeRelease check to ensure the release date is
	  not just an uppercase word

0.02   2010-03-07
	- Added POD tests
	- Use the plugin's log method so the plugin name appears in the log
	- Also process comments that start at beginning of line

0.01   2009-10-11
	- Initial release