Revision history for AppleII-LibA2 (formerly LibA2)
0.200 2015-08-01 beta
- Distribution renamed from LibA2 to AppleII-LibA2
- No functional changes
- Placeholder module matching distribution name to comply with
the Lancaster Consensus
0.11 2013-12-26 beta
- No functional changes
- Release tests moved to xt/
0.10 2011-12-12 beta
- Fixed Exporter prereq (need 5.57)
- Remove IO::All from prereqs (picked up by mistake)
0.09 2011-11-11 beta
- Require at least Perl 5.006
- Use Term::ReadLine->Attribs to set up completion
- Version number reduced from 1.08 to 0.09
0.08 2007-03-24 beta
- Updated my email address and some documentation.
- Added POD tests.
- Added another fix for the --no-scripts install option.
- There are no functional changes.
0.07 2007-02-03 beta
- I discovered that the --no-scripts install option was not working.
Only the Build.PL script was changed; no modules were updated.
0.06 2006-10-08 beta
- The write_blocks method now treats block 0 specially
- Can now write sparse files
- pack_date now accepts Date::Calc format dates
- Added unpack_date
0.05 2006-03-27 beta
- Fixes for the build process (it didn't like spaces in pathnames)
If you got LibA2 0.04 to pass tests, you don't need to update.
- Now compatible with versions of IO::File older than 1.11
0.04 2006-03-26 beta
- Now uses Module::Build instead of ExtUtils::MakeMaker
- You can use --no-scripts with Build.PL to avoid installing
utility scripts
- Now has tests for AppleII::Disk & AppleII::ProDOS
- Removed the .pl extension from utility scripts
- Fixed to work with current Term::ReadLine::Perl
- Added md as an alias for mkdir
- Now has command line options (try --help for a list)
- Updated documentation
pad_block is now just a subroutine, not a method
- Uses IO::File instead of FileHandle
- The read_blocks method now treats block 0 specially
- Can now read sparse files correctly
- Fixed some places where filenames weren't being uppercased
- Fixed a Y2K issue in converting timestamps to ProDOS format
0.003 1997-02-26 beta
- First beta release of LibA2
- version 1.004
[ version 0.005]
- Includes documentation
[ version 0.010]
- Includes documentation
- Supports an external pager for long text displays
[ version 0.004]
- Includes documentation
- Now runs much faster
[AppleII::Disk version 0.009]
- Includes documentation
- Added blocks method to get/set disk size
[AppleII::ProDOS version 0.026]
- Includes documentation (still incomplete)
- Adding a file to a full subdirectory automatically expands the
- Allocating free blocks is now much more efficient. This makes
the volume optimizer ( much much faster.
0.002 1996-08-12 alpha
- First public release of LibA2
- version 0.008
- version 0.003
- version 0.002
- version 0.004
- AppleII::Disk version 0.008
- AppleII::ProDOS version 0.018
0.001 1996-08-12 alpha
- A problem during uploading caused this version to be rechristened
version 0.002.