version 0.95: Sat Mar 17 22:11:00 CDT 2007
- [George Chlipala] Updated Net::Bonjour::Entry to handle special
characters, e.g. period and space, in DNS names. Updated
Makefile.PL to include license and abstract information.
version 0.92: Sat Mar 17 19:27:00 CDT 2007
- [George Chlipala] Renamed to Net::Bonjour and added legacy
support for Net::Rendezvous
version 0.91: Sat Mar 17 17:43:00 CDT 2007
- [bmat] Fixed bug #25292: Converting _txtdata to _attr truncates
if more than 1 equals sign
- [George Chlipala] other cleanup in
version 0.90: Mon Dec 27 16:20:00 CDT 2004
- [George Chlipala] Added service and protocol functions.
Added all_services function based on enumerate_services function by
Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni. General code clean up.
version 0.86: Sat Mar 06 13:30:00 CDT 2004
- [George Chlipala] Fixed test #3 (t/3-enterprise.t).
version 0.85: Fri Mar 05 20:00:00 CDT 2004
- [George Chlipala] updated 'application' method in base object to
use current domain setting. Fixed tradition DNS discovery method.
Added third test (3-enterprise.t). This test will test against the
ftp entries at
version 0.80: Wed Mar 03 21:00:00 CDT 2004
- [George Chlipala] Setup test directory and moved to t/use.t
Setup t/entry.t test. Added discover function to Net::Rendezvous.
Added META.yml file. Added support for traditional DNS based service
discovery and ability to set discovery domain.
version 0.70 Tue Feb 17 10:00:00 CDT 2004
- [Dan Sully] General code clean up and added basic test script
- [George Chlipala] Added support to export DNS records (dnsrr) and
all_attrs method for Net::Rendezvous::Entry objects.
version 0.51: Web Feb 11 10:31:00 CDT 2004
- [George Chlipala] Fixed POD documentation for Net::Rendezvous, added
trademark disclaimer, added URLs in README, and updated examples in
Net::Rendezvous and Net::Rendezvous::Entry PODs.
version 0.50: Tue Feb 10 20:16:00 CDT 2004
- [George Chlipala] Initial release.