Revision history for Perl extension Math::GMP.

2.03  2002-02-16 Tels
	- added internal functions gmp_copy, gmp_tstbit, gmp_sqrt
	- moved to t/gmppmt, made it use Test and use strict
	- moved to lib/Math/
	- documented some of the public methods
	- fixed README
	- added INSTALL file

2.02  Sat Feb 15 16:10:00 2002 Tels
	- added internal functions gmp_fac, gmp_fib, and_two, or_two, xor_two
	- added band, bior, bxor, bfac
	- added overload for &, ^ and |
	- tests for new functions

2.00  Fri Feb 08 16:00:00 2002 cturner
	- remove gmp inside of package, performance improvements, some new ops

1.07  2001-04-22 cturner

1.06  2001-04-10 cturner

1.05  2001-02-23 cturner

1.04  2001-02-13 cturner

1.03  2001-01-25 cturner

1.02  2001-01-20 cturner

1.01  2000-03-21 cturner

1.00  2000-02-25 cturner

0.9   1999-09-19 cturner

0.01  Fri Sep 17 21:07:40 1999 cturner
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19