$MODULE=Crypt::SSLeay; $VERSION = .10; $DATE="08/10/99";

1999-08-10   Joshua Chamas <joshua@chamas.com>

+ = improvement; - = bug fix

+ Worked through __umoddi3 undef symbol error 
  for building on Solaris x86.  See REAME build notes.

+ I try to provide backwards compatible building
  with SSLeay (< v.0.9.2), but last build with OpenSSL, 
  so might have broken something.

+ Will pick up ssl distributions installed at
  /usr/local/openssl, and /usr/local/ssl ... openssl
  headers should be at $SSL_DIR/include/openssl
  for compilation to work.

- Added SSL 3.0 support with SSLv23_client_method()
  This method will autonegotiate SSL2 or SSL3,
  and works for web sites that require SSL3

+ Added build support in Makefile.PL for WinNT, MS Visual C++

+ Added support for OpenSSL v.0.9.4 

1998-10-13   Gisle Aas <aas@sn.no>

   Release 0.07

   Applied patch from Andreas Gustafsson <gson@araneus.fi> which
   make this module compile on WinNT with ActivePerl and MS Visual C++.
   For others that try to build on this platform, Andreas also said:

      "In addition to making these source changes, I also had to
      resort to editing the MakeMaker-generated makefile by hand to
      fix various library paths.  Unfortunately, I am not familiar
      enough with either MakeMaker or NT to provide a clean fix for
      this problem."

1998-01-13   Gisle Aas <aas@sn.no>

   Release 0.06 and 0.05
   Fixed test script t/ssl_context.t
   SSL->connect can return 0.  Fixed bug in Net::SSL

1998-01-12   Gisle Aas <aas@sn.no>

   Release 0.04

   Mention depreciation in the README.  Eric's version of the SSLeay
   glue will replace this module (as well as Sampo Kellomaki's Net::SSLeay).

1998-01-11   Gisle Aas <aas@sn.no>

   Release 0.03

   Fixed this file

1998-01-11   Gisle Aas <aas@sn.no>

   Release 0.02

   More text in the README

   Renamed Crypt::SSLeay::Context to Crypt::SSLeay::MainContext

1998-01-10   Gisle Aas <aas@sn.no>

   Release 0.01

   Initial release.