$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = '2.55'; $DATE="08/09/2003"
Please see README for changes for past versions.
+ = improvement; - = bug fix; (d) = documentation
- Bug fixes for running on standalone CGI mode on Win32 submitted
by Francesco Pasqualini
+ Added Apache::ASP::Request::BINMODE for binmode() being
called on STDIN after STDIN is tied to $Request object
+ New RequestBinaryRead configuration created, may be turned off
to prevent $Request object from reading POST data
++ mod_perl 2 optmizations, there was a large code impact on this,
as much code was restructured to reduce the differences between
mod_perl 1 and mod_perl 2
+ preloaded CGI for file uploads in the mod_perl environment
- When XSLT config is set, $Response->Redirect() should work now
Thanks to Marcus Zoller for pointing problem out
+ Added CookieDomain setting, documented, and added test to cover
it in t/cookies.t . Setting suggested by Uwe Riehm, who nicely
submitted some code for this.