$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = '2.53'; $DATE="TBD"
Please see README for changes for past versions.
+ = improvement; - = bug fix; (d) = documentation
+ XMLSubs tags with "-" in them will have "-" replaced with "_" or underscore, so a
tag like <my:render-table /> will be translated to &my::render_table() ... tags with
- in them are common in extended XML syntaxes, but perl subs cannot have - in them only.
+ Clean setting now works on output when $Response->{ContentType} begins with text/html;
like "text/html; charset=iso-8859-2" ... before Clean would only work on output marked
with ContentType text/html. Thanks to Szymon Juraszczyk for recommending fix.
--Fixed a bug which would cause Session_OnEnd to be called twice on sessions in a certain case,
particularly when an old expired session gets reused by and web browser... this bug was
a result of a incomplete session cleanup method in this case. Thanks to Oleg Kobyakovskiy
for reporting this bug. Added test in t/session_events.t to cover this problem going forward.
- Compile errors from Apache::ASP->Loader() were not being reported. They will
be reported again now. Thanks to Thanos Chatziathanassiou for discovering and
documenting this bug. Added test in t/load.t to cover this problem going forward.
+ use of chr(hex($1)) to decode URI encoded parameters instead of pack("c",hex($1))
faster & more correct, thanks to Nikolay Melekhin for pointing out this need.
(d) Added old perlmonth.com articles to ./site/articles in distribution
and linked to them from the docs RESOURCES section
(d) Updated documention for the $Application->SessionCount API
+ Scripts with named subroutines, which is warned against in the style guide,
will not be cached to help prevent my closure problems that often
hurt new developers working in mod_perl environments. The downside
is that these script will have a performance penalty having to be
recompiled each invocation, but this will kill many closure caching
bugs that are hard to detect.
- $Request->FileUpload('upload_file', 'BrowserFile') would return
a glob before that would be the file name in scalar form. However
this would be interpreted as a reference incorrectly. The fix
is to make sure this is always a scalar by stringifying
this data internally. Thanks to Richard Curtis for pointing
out this bug.