$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = '2.51'; $DATE="TBD"
Please see README for changes for past versions.
+ = improvement; - = bug fix; (d) = documentation
+ added t/session_query_parse.t test to cover use of SessionQueryParse
and $Server->URL APIs
- Fixed duplicate "&" bug associated with using $Server->URL
and SessionQueryParse together
+ Patch to allow $Server->URL() to be called multiple times on the same URL
as in $Server->URL($Server->URL($url, \%params), \%more_params)
(d) Added new testimonials & sites & created a separate testimonials page.
- SessionQueryParse will now add to & to the query strings
embedded in the HTML, instead of & for proper HTML generation.
Thanks to Peter Galbavy for pointing out and Thanos Chatziathanassiou
for suggesting the fix.
- $Response->{ContentType} set to text/html for developer error reporting,
in case this was set to something else before the error occured.
Thanks to Philip Mak for reporting.
- Couple of minor bug fixes under PerlWarn use, thanks Peter Galbavy
for reporting.
+ Added automatic load of "use Apache2" for compat with mod_perl2
request objects when Apache::ASP is loaded via "PerlModule Apache::ASP"
Thanks to Richard Curtis for reporting bug & subsequent testing.
- When GlobalPackage config changes, but global.asa has not, global.asa
will be recompiled anyway to update the GlobalPackage correctly.
Changing GlobalPackage before would cause errors if global.asa was
already compiled.
++ For ANY PerlSetVar type config, OFF/Off/off will be assumed
to have value of 0 for that setting. Before, only a couple settings
had this semantics, but they all do now for consistency.
- Fix for InodeNames config on OpenBSD, or any OS that might have
a device # of 0 for the file being stat()'d, thanks to Peter Galbavy
for bug report.
++ Total XSLT speedups, 5-10% on large XSLT, 10-15% on small XSLT
+ bypass meta data check like expires for XSLT Cache() API use
because XSLT tranformations don't expire, saves hit to cache dbm
for meta data
+ use of direct Apache::ASP::State methods like FETCH/STORE
in Cache() layer so we don't have to go through slower tied interface.
This will speed up XSLT & and include output caching mostly.
+ minor optimizations for speed & memory usage