$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.39; $DATE="09/10/2002"

- Turn off $^W explicitly before reloading global.asa.  Reloading
  global.asa when $^W is set will trigger subroutine redefinition
  warnings.  Reloading global.asa should occur without any problems
  under normal usage of the system, thus this work around.
  This fix is important to UseStrict functionality because warnings
  automatically become thrown as die() errors with UseStrict enabled,
  so we have to disable normal soft warnings here.

- $Response->Include() runtime errors now throw a die() that
  can be trapped.  This was old functionality that has been restored.
  Other compile time errors should still trigger a hard error
  like script compilation, global.asa, or $Response->Include()
  without an eval()

+ Some better error handling with Debug 3 or -3 set, cleaned
  up developer errors messages somewhat.

$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.37; $DATE="07/03/2002"

Please see README for changes for past versions.

 + = improvement;    - = bug fix;    (d) = documentation

 -Fixed the testing directory structures for t/long_names.t
  so that tar software like Archive::Tar & Solaris tar that
  have problems with long file names will still be able 
  to untar distribution successfully.  Now t/long_names.t
  generates its testing directory structures at runtime.

 -Fixes for "make test" to work under perl 5.8.0 RC2, 
  courtesy of Manabu Higashida

 +SessionQueryForce setting created for disabling use of cookies
  for $Session session-id passing, rather requiring use of SessionQuery*
  functionality for session-id passing via URL query string.

  By default, even when SessionQuery* options are used, cookies will
  be used if available with SessionQuery* functionality acting only
  as a backup, so this makes it so that cookies will never be used.

 +Escape ' with HTMLEncode() to '

 -Trying to fix t/server_mail.t to work better for platforms
  that it should skip testing on.  Updated t/server.t test case.

 +Remove exit() from Makefile.PL so CPAN.pm's automatic
  follow prereq mechanism works correctly.  Thanks to Slaven Rezic
  for pointing this out.

 +Added Apache::compat loading in mod_perl environment for better
  mod_perl 2.0 support.