$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.37; $DATE="07/03/2002"
Please see README for changes for past versions.
+ = improvement; - = bug fix; (d) = documentation
-Fixed the testing directory structures for t/long_names.t
so that tar software like Archive::Tar & Solaris tar that
have problems with long file names will still be able
to untar distribution successfully. Now t/long_names.t
generates its testing directory structures at runtime.
-Fixes for "make test" to work under perl 5.8.0 RC2,
courtesy of Manabu Higashida
+SessionQueryForce setting created for disabling use of cookies
for $Session session-id passing, rather requiring use of SessionQuery*
functionality for session-id passing via URL query string.
By default, even when SessionQuery* options are used, cookies will
be used if available with SessionQuery* functionality acting only
as a backup, so this makes it so that cookies will never be used.
+Escape ' with HTMLEncode() to '
-Trying to fix t/server_mail.t to work better for platforms
that it should skip testing on. Updated t/server.t test case.
+Remove exit() from Makefile.PL so CPAN.pm's automatic
follow prereq mechanism works correctly. Thanks to Slaven Rezic
for pointing this out.
+Added Apache::compat loading in mod_perl environment for better
mod_perl 2.0 support.