$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.31; $DATE="01/22/2002";
Please see README for changes for past versions.
+ = improvement; - = bug fix
+ $Server->MapInclude() API extension created to wrap up Apache::ASP::SearchDirs functionality
so one may do an conditional check for an include existence befor executing $Response->Include().
Added API test to server.t
+ $Server->Transfer() now allows arguments like $Response->Include(), and now acts just
as a wrapper for:
$Response->Include($file, @args);
added test case at t/server_transfer.t
+ Removed dependency of StatINC functionality on Apache::Symbol. Apache::Symbol
is no longer required. Added test of t/stat_inc.t for correct StatINC initialization
for platforms where Devel::Symdump is present.
+ Better error message when $Request->Params has not been defined with RequestParams
config & it gets used in script. Added test case as t/request_params_none.t
+ Directories cannot now be included as scripts via $Response->Include(), added
test case to t/include.t
- No longer make $Response->Flush dependent on $Response->IsClientConnected() to
be true to write output to client. There have been spurious errors reported
about the new ( >= 2.25 ) IsClientConnected code, and this will limit the impact
of that functionality possibly not working still to those users explicitly using
that API.
+ $Response->AddHeader($header_name, $value) now will set $Response members
for these headers: Content-Type, Cache-Control, Expires. This is to avoid
both the application & Apache::ASP sending out duplicate headers. Added
test cases for this to t/response.t
+ split up Bundle::Apache::ASP into that, and Bundle::Apache::ASP::Extra
the former with just the required modules to run, and the latter
for extra functionality in Apache::ASP
+ new $Request->{Method} member to return $r->method of GET or POST that
client browser is requesting, added t/request.t sub test to cover this member.