$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.27; $DATE="10/31/2001";

Please see README for changes for past versions.

 + = improvement; - = bug fix

 + Wrapped call to $r->connection->fileno in eval {} so to 
   preserve backwards compatibility with older mod_perl versions
   that do not have this method defined.  Thanks to Helmut Zeilinger
   for catching this.

 + removed ./dev directory from distribution, useless clutter

 + Removed dependency on HTTP::Date by taking code into
   Apache::ASP as Apache::ASP::Date.  This relieves
   the dependency of Apache::ASP on libwww LWP libraries.
   If you were using HTTP::Date functions before without loading
   "use HTTP::Date;" on your own, you will have to do this now.

 + Streamlined code execution.  Especially worked on 
   $Response->IsClientConnected which gets called during
   a normal request execution, and got rid of IO::Select
   dependency. Some function style calls instead of OO style 
   calls where private functions were being invokes that one 
   would not need to override.

 - Fixed possible bug when flushing a data buffer where there
   is just a '0' in it.

 + Updated docs to note that StateCache config was deprecated
   as of 2.23.  Removed remaining code that referenced the config.

 + Removed references to unused OrderCollections code.

 - Better Cache meta key, lower chance of collision with 
   unrelated data since its using the full MD5 keyspace now

 + Optimized some debugging statements that resulted 
   from recent development.

 + Tie::TextDir .04 and above is supported for StateDB
   and CacheDB settings with MLDBM::Sync .21. This is good for 
   CacheDB where output is larger and there are not many 
   versions to cache, like for XSLTCache, where the site is 
   mostly static.

 + Better RESOURCES section to web site, especially with adding
   some links to past Apache::ASP articles & presentations.