$MODULE=Apache::ASP; $VERSION = 2.23; $DATE="TBA";
Please see README for changes for past versions.
+ = improvement; - = bug fix
+Make sure a couple other small standard modules get loaded
upon "PerlModule Apache::ASP", like Time::HiRes, Class::Struct,
and MLDBM::Serializer::Data::Dumper. If not available
these modules won't cause errors, but will promote child httpd
RAM sharing if they are.
-XMLSubs args parsing fix so an arg like z-index
does not error under UseStrict. This is OK now:
<my:layer z-index=3 top=0 left=0> HTML </my:layer>
-Only remove outermost <SCRIPT> tags from global.asa
for IIS/PerlScript compatibility. Used to remove
all <SCRIPT> tags, which hurt when some subs in globa.asa
would be printing some JavaScript.
+$Response->{IsClientConnected} now updated correctly
before global.asa Script_OnStart. $Response->IsClientConnect()
can be used for accurate accounting, while
$Response->{IsClientConnected} only gets updated
after $Response->Flush(). Added test cases to response.t
+$Server->HTMLEncode(\$data) API extension, now can take
scalar ref, which can give a 5% improvement in benchmarks
for data 100K in size.
-Access to $Application is locked when Application_OnEnd &
Application_OnStart is called, creating a critical section
for use of $Application
++MLDBM::Sync used now for core DBM support in Apache::ASP::State.
This drastically simplifies/stabilizes the code in there
and will make it easier for future SQL database plugins.
+New API for accessing ASP object information in non content
handler phases:
use Apache::ASP;
sub My::Auth::handler {
my $r = shift;
my $ASP = Apache::ASP->new($r)
my $Session = $ASP->Session;
In the above example, $Session would be the same $Session
object created later while running the ASP script for this
same request.
Added t/asp_object.t test for this. Fixed global.asa to only
init StateDir when application.asp starts which is the first
test script to run.
-Fixed on Win32 to make Apache::ASP->new($r) able to create
multiple master ASP objects per request. Was not reentrant
safe before, particularly with state locking for dbms like
$Application & $Session.
++Output caching for includes, built on same layer ( extended )
as XSLTCache, test suite at t/cache.t. Enabled with special
arguments to
$Response->Include(\%args, @include_args)
$Response->TrapInclude(\%args, @include_args)
$Server->Execute(\%args, @include_args)
where %args = (
File => 'file.inc',
Cache => 1, # to activate cache layer
Expires => 3600, # to expire in one hour
LastModified => time() - 600, # to expire if cached before 10 minutes ago
Key => $Request->Form, # to cache based on checksum of serialized form data,
Clear => 1, # to not allow fetch from cache this time, will always execute include
Like the XSLTCache, it uses MLDBM::Sync::SDBM_File
by default, but can use DB_File or GDBM_File if
CacheDB is set to these.
See t/cache.t for API support until this is documented.
+CacheSize now supports units of M, K, B like
CacheSize 10M
CacheSize 10240K
CacheSize 10000000B
CacheSize 10000000
-Better handling of $Session->Abandon() so multiple
request to the same session while its being destroyed
will have the right effect.
+Optimized XMLSubs parsing. Scripts with lots lof XMLSubs
now parse faster for the first time. One test script with
almost 200 such tags went from a parse time of around 3 seconds
to .7 seconds after optimizations.
+Updated performance tuning docs, particularly for using
+$Server->URL($url, \%params) now handles array refs
in the params values like
$Server->URL($url, { key => [ qw( value1 value2 ) ] })
This is so that query string data found in
$Request->QueryString that gets parsed into this form
from a string like: ?key=value&key=value2 would be
able to be reused passed back to $Server->URL to
create self referencing URLs more easily.
-Bug fix where XMLSubs like <s:td /> now works on perl
5.005xx, thanks to Philip Mak for reporting & fix.
+When searching for included files, will now join
the absolute path of the directory of the script
with the name of the file if its a relative file
name like ./header.inc. Before, would just look
for something like ././header.inc by using '.'
as the first directory to look for includes in.
The result of this is that scripts in two directories
configured with the same Global setting should be able
to have separate local header.inc files without causing
a cached namespace collision.
+$Server->Config() call will return a hash ref
to all the config setting for that request, like
Apache->dir_config would.
-StatINC setting with Apache::ASP->Loader() works again.
This makes StatINC & StatINCMatch settings viable
for production & development use when the system has
very many modules.
-Cookieless session support with configs like SessionQueryParse
and SessionQuery now work for URLs with frags in them
like http://localhost?arg=value#frag
+@rv = $Response->Include() now works where there are
multiple return values from an include like:
<% return(1,2); %>