Revision history for perl distribution Net::Fritz
v0.0.4 2017-04-02
- cache network connections to speed up consecutive actions
v0.0.3 2016-06-21
- bump LWP::UserAgent dependency to 6.00 because ssl_opts are needed
- re-enable author test for SSL connection
- brush up distribution
- add META.json
- declare minimum required Perl version
- add github repository links
- add github bugtracker link
- mark special tests as author tests
v0.0.2 2016-06-17
- bugfix for "Experimental keys on scalar is now forbidden"
during tests under perl 5.24 ( #115356)
- switch build to Dist::Zilla
- add $VERSION to every module
- fix some dependencies
v0.0.1 2016-06-15
- Initial release
v0.0.0 2015-07-25
- Start coding