Revision history for Perl extension IDNA::Punycode

1.100 (2011-04-15)
	- fixed incompatibility with Net::IDN::Encode >= 1.10
	  by no longer depending on Net::IDN::Encode

1.001 (2010-01-20)
	- fixed incompability with Net::IDN::Encode >= 1.00

1.000 (2010-01-20)
	- complete rewrite based on Net::IDN::Punycode/::Encode
	- deprecate this module, only provide it for compatibility

0.03  Thu Sep  1 14:49:17 MEST 2005
	* added idn_prefix() function
	* made "xn--" default prefix for punycode format

0.02  Mon May 20 12:17:26 JST 2002
	* [API change] now exception is thrown in conversion failure

0.01  Tue May  7 11:47:28 2002
	- original version