# History of Perl distribution Test-Virtual-Filesystem.  This change log is valid YAML.

0.09_01 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 26
     - Summary: Speculative fixes for platform inconsistencies

     - Fix: MSWin32 reports EACCES, not EISDIR, for truncate_dir
       Credit: cpan tester srezic@cpan.org
       CPANTesters: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2007/11/msg806443.html

     - Fix: MSWin32 reports ENOENT, not ENOTDIR, for truncate_file_no_dir
       Credit: cpan tester srezic@cpan.org
       CPANTesters: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2007/11/msg806443.html

     - Fix: MSWin32 reports EACCES, not EISDIR, for rename_mismatch_dir
       Credit: cpan tester srezic@cpan.org
       CPANTesters: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2007/11/msg806443.html

     - Internals: Better failure diagnostics, including POSIX strerror() messages for $OS_ERROR

0.08 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 26
     - Summary: Added rename tests

     - Feature: Added rename_* tests, documented some unimplemented corner cases

     - Prerequisites: Added Test::Builder::Tester v1.04
     - Prerequisites: Pointlessly add some core deps (Carp, File::Spec, POSIX) for CPANTS

     - Internals: Convert */*.t to use Test::Builder::Tester instead of ad-hoc Test::Builder data
     - Internals: Got rid of noisy messages about TODO and skip tests
     - Internals: Make read operations optionally die, as per test needs

0.07 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 24
     - Summary: Fix nested symlink test for Linux; Forgive skew between clock and disk timestamp

     - Fix: Linux has a stricter limit of 5 nested symlinks.  Settle on this lower limit.
       Credit: cpan-testers David Cantrell and ICERIDER
       CPANTesters: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2007/11/msg791775.html      

     - Fix: Add tolerance for difference between CPU clock and disk timestamp
       Credit: cpan-tester David Cantrell
       CPANTesters: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2007/11/msg791775.html

     - Prerequisites: Added Readonly.pm v1.00

     - Press: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.qa/2007/11/msg9676.html

0.06 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 20
     - Summary: Perl prereq to 5.8.0; new truncate, symlink, a/m/ctime tests

     - Incompatibility: Upped prereq to Perl 5.8.0 instead of 5.6.0
     - Incompatibility: (minor) renamed "enable_test_utime" to "enable_test_mtime"

     - Fix: Specify actual minimum of Perl 5.8.0; 5.6.x bombed on local through ref
       Credit: cpan-tester David Cantrell
       CPANTesters: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/790313

     - Internals: Removed unneeded prereqs from Build.PL and Filesystem.pm

0.05 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 19
     - Summary: Fix for non-English localized Perl

     - Fix: Check numeric $! against POSIX errno instead of string $! against english
       Credit: cpan-tester Andreas Koenig
       RT: http://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=30839
       CPANTesters: http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.cpan.testers/2007/11/msg784219.html

0.04 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 18
     - Summary: Renamed test_* methods from v0.03; Subclassing; Bug fixes

     - Incompatibility: Renamed 'test_*' methods to 'enable_test_*'

     - Fix: Add List::MoreUtils to Build.PL/Makefile.PL
       Credit: cpan-tester David Cantrell
     - Fix: Turn off symlink and chown for Win32; better support for OS non-features
       Credit: cpan-tester stro@cpan.org, MSWin32 (for symlink part)
     - Fix: Enable subclassing (via a hack/workaround for Test::Class 0.24 -- see rt.cpan.org 30836)

     - Internals: Moved self-test tests into subclasses in t/*.t

     - TODO: Remove above workaround if RT 30836 is resolved

     - Press: http://use.perl.org/~ChrisDolan/journal/34920

0.03 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 16
     - Summary: Important bug fixes

     - Fix: Don't use "\n" since it is one or two characters, depending on platform
       Credit: cpan-tester stro@cpan.org, MSWin32

     - Fix: Disable the stat_dir_size() test because it is too filesystem-dependent
       Credit: cpan-tester srezic@cpan.org, cygwin

     - Fix: Make xattr test more tolerant of getxattr() implementations (undef vs. '')

0.02 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 16
     - Summary: Backward compatibility, xattrs, symlinks

     - Feature: let client specify a compatibility version.  Mark newer tests TODO.
     - Feature: skip tests that the client wants to ignore
     - Feature: new test to exercise symlinks
     - Feature: new test to read/write extended attributes
     - Feature: new test to check that dirs have non-zero size

     - Prerequisites: (optional) File::ExtAttr v0.08

     - Press: http://use.perl.org/article.pl?sid=07/11/16/0925222

0.01 :
     - Released: 2007 Nov 14
     - Summary: initial release
     - Caveats: very incomplete collection of tests. See CAVEATS in documentation