Revision history for App::WordPressTools (wp-tools).
1.03 2018-09-13 21:26:05 MDT
* Security: Backup directories are now created 0750 (i.e. not
world-readable) for the benefit of those with trusting umasks. If you use
wp-tools in a shared environment, you are encouraged to upgrade.
* Deprecated the use of relative paths as arguments to --path, --backupdir,
and --backupfile.
1.02 2016-12-12 16:00:29 MST
* Reduce chance of leaving site directory in an inconsistent state if the
script is killed at the wrong time.
* Fix broken logic for applying backup skips.
1.01 2016-02-19 15:51:50 MST
* Fixed a bug with complete version number not being preserved.
* Fixed a bug that made --force ineffective against the disk space check.
* Fixed a bug related to innacurate admin page checking on upgrade.
* Fixed test scripts to invoke the correct perl.
* Added documentation for how to contribute.
* Added Travis CI configuration for automated testing (thanks Jason Hall).
* Fixed various issues with the dzil config and maintenance scripts.
* Replaced the File::Slurp dependency with File::Slurper.
* Replaced the LWP::UserAgent dependency with HTTP::Tiny.
* Replaced the Digest::SHA dependency with Digest::MD5.
* Made the solo distribution be fatpacked for easier installation by curl.
1.0 2016-02-11 14:41:53 MST
* First release of wp-tools to the world.