Revsion History for Mojolicious::Plugin::Routes::Restful

0.01 Initial kick at the can. 

0.02 Bug Fixes 
    #2 RETREIVE should be RETRIEVE, From: Dave Baker, Fix: John scoles 
    #3 PRIFIX should be PREFIX, From: William Lindley (  Fix: John Scoles
    #4 Pod Cleanup, From William Lindley (  Fix: William Lindley
    #5 Test Commented out, From: John Scoles Fix: John Scoles
    #6 Extend Test Suite, From Aristotle Fix: John Scoles
    #8 Found bug on review had 'resource' ranther than 'RESOURCE' in code
0.03 Bug Fixes 
    Fix for parent stash overwriteing child stash values Fix: John Scoles
    New "ROUTE" Directive Fix: John Scoles
    POD fix 'Via' to 'VIA' Fix: John Scoles
    Bug fix for API UPDATE directive Fix: John Scoles