Revision history for Win32::Console::DotNet

0.5.1   2024-08-26
        - Bugfix error handling in 'CursorSize' and 'CursorVisible'
        - Bigfix '03ConsoleDotNet.t' aborts with an exception
        - Update 'MakeFile.PL' and add a dependency on 'Platform::Windows'
        - Update Tests

0.5     2024-08-20
        - Add 'Encode::Encoding' support (instead of using a code pages)
        - Add Windows code page aliases to the built-in encodings
        - Add 'Type::Tiny' support (if installed)
        - Add/Change Tests
        - Change 'ReadKey' returns 'ConsoleKeyInfo' (blessed HashRef)
        - Change 'Write/WriteLine' suppress "uninitialized" warning
        - Change meaning of '_DEBUG' (only enabled if EXTENDED_TESTING is true)
        - Update type check in the constructor of 'ConsoleKeyInfo'
        - Update (POD) documentation
        - Update Samples

0.4.4   2024-08-19
        - Bugfix Retrieval of 'Title' with a length of exactly 1024 characters
        - Bugfix 'MoveBufferArea' dies without error code on 1x1 regions

0.4.3   2024-08-13
        - Bugfix 'GetBufferInfo' incorrect check on argument '$succeeded'
        - Add/Change Samples, Tests

0.4.2   2024-08-12
        - Bugfix 'Read' identification of 'eof'
        - Bugfix 'StdConUnicodeEncoding' UTF-16 endianess
        - Bugfix 'ConsoleKeyInfo' constructor definition
        - Bugfix 'Input/OutputEncoding' dies when console is detached

0.4.1   2024-07-29
        - Bugfix 'ResizeTest' in '04ManualTest.t'
        - Bugfix 'ReadKey' return value

0.4     2024-07-28
        - Add 'ConsoleColor' and 'ConsoleKey' constants
        - Add 'ConsoleKeyInfo' Object
        - Add 'In/Out/Error' support of various Code Page Identifiers
        - Add/Change Samples, Tests
        - Update 'Read' flush on input after receiving 'eof'
        - Change 'DebugOutputTextWriter' to 'IO::DebugOutputTextWriter'

0.3.2   2024-07-28
        - Bugfix 'SetWindowSize/SetWindowPosition' set incorrect attributes
        - Bugfix 'ReadKey' meaning of 'KeyDown' event
        - Bugfix 'ReadKey' dies if event type is not 'KEY_EVENT/MOUSE_EVENT'
        - Bugfix 'Readline' does not return 'undef' for 'eof'

0.3.1   2024-07-05
        - Bugfix 'Beep', 'ReadKey', 'ReadLine'
        - Update (POD) documentation

0.3     2024-07-03
        - Add 'lock' for the use with threads
        - Add Use of 'IO::Handle'
        - Add '%RessourceStrings' for exceptions

0.2.1   2024-06-25
        - Bugfix of 'GetBufferInfo'
        - Bugfix of some test cases

0.2     2024-02-26
        - Change from 'Moo' to 'Class::Tiny::Antlers'
        - Change from 'namespace::autoclean' to 'namespace::sweep'
        - Add use of 'Type::Nano'
        - Remove some dependencies

0.1     2024-02-18
        - First release.