Revision history for Config-Std
0.9 Tue Apr 12 20:41:04 2011
- Change of Maintainers.
- Reordered Changes to latest first.
- Module::Build::Compat creating Makefile.PL traditional
- LICENSE file created (in Build.PL)
- 21184: require v5.7.3 (Thanks Leo)
- Doc patches per RT queue
- 18642: Dynamic loading of Config::Std breaks the interface, doc workaround.
(thanks Schwern & Uri)
- 16488: Philosophy is 'as simple as possible'. (thanks Steven)
- 21604: read from string_ref (thanks Todd)
0.007 Wed Nov 18 13:21:08 2009
- Fixed major bug in gap algorithm for new keys (thanks Jojo!)
0.0.5 Tue Sep 22 15:17:49 2009
- Made spacing between key/values more intelligent
- Added def_sep option to control that intelligence (thanks David)
- Added support for standard INI-style comments: ; like this
(thanks William and FSD)
- Fixed bug in section heading parsing (thanks Kirk)
0.0.4 Mon Feb 20 08:03:45 2006
- Removed spurious dependency on Smart::Comments
0.0.3 Fri Feb 17 15:50:09 2006
- Fixed bug in writing back from a hash-ref
- Fixed spelling bug in append_comments (thanks Torsten!)
- Added {def_sep => '='} option (thanks Nick)
- Clarified use of comments with config vars
- Removed unused "" sections from read_config hash (thanks carcassonne)
- Added logic to decide whether new sections have spaces after them
- Changed write_config() behaviour for undefined hash entries: they now
throw an exception (thanks David)
- Added mechanism to allow read_config() and write_config() to be renamed
when exported (thanks David)
0.0.2 Wed May 25 22:30:51 2005
- First public release
0.0.1 Wed Feb 16 04:04:39 2005
- Initial release.