Revision history for Perl extension XML::RSS::JavaScript 

0.64 2012-11-06
    - Updated Changes file to spec
    - repackaged with a new version of Module::Install

0.63 2009-11-19
    - repackaged with a new version of Module::Install

0.62 2008-03-04
    - minor code and test suite improvements

0.61 2007-08-17
    - XML::RSS no longer has _encode, using HTML::Entities directly.
    - switch to Module::Install

0.60 2007-01-22
    - escape titles, descriptions and urls

0.5  2005-09-23
    - Added JSON exporting
    - switched to Module::Build

0.41 2005-03-02
    - added pod and pod coverage tests

0.4  2004-10-01
    - restructured test files
    - 100% test coverage

0.3  2003-10-29
    - added example of sucking in existing RSS feed and spitting out 

0.2  2003-10-03
    - added CSS sample files to the MANIFEST

0.1  2003-09-29
    - first version