Revision history for Perl extension WWW::Wikipedia.

2.02 2015-12-21

 - Make whitespace after REDIRECT optional, to fix RT#94111
 - Changed github URL to https, and added repo to doc
 - Added "use 5.006;" to both modules
 - Add clean_html option to strip basic HTML tags.

2.01 2013-02-21

 - Update test suite due to a change in returned data

2.00 2011-04-05

 - use decoded_content() rather than just content() (RT #66337)
 - parse raw text to get proper redirect link (RT #66337)
 - try to catch self-redirects (RT #66337)

1.99 2011-02-16

 - Fix up title in entry and provide an accessor for the value
 - use uri_escape_utf8 in search() as needed

1.98 2010-12-01

 - Remove newline that was attached to redirects returned by search()

1.97 2010-06-16

 - Update redirect regex due to wikipedia changes (RT #58440)

1.96 2009-09-14

 - Add text_basic() and fulltext_basic() to Entry, which are the
   same as the non _basic methods, but not run through Text::Autoformat

1.95 2009-04-29

 - Swap out CGI for URI::Escape

1.94 2008-02-25

 - Fix random() to get the proper url for the raw content

1.93 2007-12-11

 - add a setting to control the following of redirect directives
 - switch to Module::Install

1.92 2007-01-02

 - a random() method was added in 1.91
 - added parse_head(0) to squash some warnings

1.91 2007-01-02
 - redirects no longer case sensitive (thanks Chris Bolt)

1.9  2006-04-18

 - handle wikipedia style redirects when the raw content looks like
   #REDIRECT [[systems theory]]

1.8  2005-08-26

 - avoid passing in any sequence of \n to autoformamt since it
   barfs on that as well in v1.13 (thanks Steve Freedman)
 - when there is no summary paragraph in an entry, a call to text()
   will return the fulltext for an entry.

1.7  2005-07-15

 - avoid passing "\n" to Text::Autoformat::autoformat() since it 
   blows chunks in v1.13 (thanks Tom Halford)

1.6  2005-07-11

 - updated WWW::Wikipedia to use the new raw url (thanks Katrin Tomanek)

1.5  2005-03-23

 - added language option (-l) to bin/wikipedia
 - added pod and pod_coverage tests

1.4  2005-02-14

 - added error() for error messages
 - search() now returns undef on error and sets error()

1.3  2004-10-26

 - added multi-lingual support to WWW::Wikipedia::Entry

1.2  2004-09-01

 - removed newline stripping (thanks Offer Kaye)
 - bin/wikipedia uses Text::Autoformat

1.1  2004-08-19

 - fixed t/15.entry.t to hopefull pass on multiple platforms no 
   matter what OS the distribution was created on.

1.0  2004-08-10

 - added initial multi-lingual support

0.9  2004-08-04

 - new WWW::Wikipedia::Entry, backwards incompatible changes to
 - t/15.entry.t test the new entry class.
 - WWW::Wikipedia is now a subclass of LWP::UserAgent.

0.6  2004-04-06

 - fixed documentation bug (thanks Thomas Galley)

0.5  2004-02-13

 - wikipedia cmd line tool uses IO::Page if it can.

0.4  2004-02-13

 - wikipedia cmd line tool courtesy of Slaven Rezic.
 - fixed warnings emanating from module

0.3  2003-04-01

 - added ability to specify useragent in constructor 
   thanks Lin Yung-Chung.

0.2  2003-03-24

 - fixed README

0.1  2003-03-21

 - original version