Revision history for Perl extension Template::Provider::FromDATA
0.12 2011-12-07
- Added PRELOAD option to get around situations where lazy-loading templates
is problematic (RT #25805)
- Minor documentation fixes
0.11 2009-12-01
- Fix pod coverage test
- Move pod + pod coverage tests to release-only testing
0.10 2009-11-24
- Added the ability to specify a fully qualified template name (Kevin
- Fix for mod_perl usage (Kevin McGrath)
0.09 2009-11-19
- repackaged with a new version of Module::Install
0.08 2008-02-26
- Makefile.PL updates
0.07 2007-09-10
- switch to Module::Install
- better internal caching of templates
- added caveat about same-named templates
0.06 2007-01-23
- fixed deps: added Class::Accessor
0.05 2006-11-03
- rewrite based on code from Jess Robinson
- refs are no longer passed to the super class
- test suite fixes
- require latest Template Toolkit (2.15)
0.04 2005-11-28
- fixed test suite line endings
0.03 2005-11-28
- fixed handling of scalar reference templates
0.02 2005-11-25
- hooked in to TT2's caching system
- attempt to require() classes specified
- added tests
0.01 2005-11-23
- original version